            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight we're on live for 3 hours direct from Democracy Plaza...7 pm and 9-11 pm 
ET...4 & 6 pm PT

Don't tune out now folks, we're in the home stretch...We're just hours away from 
election day and we're all over the coverage at MSNBC...In one of those big shot 
network meetings last week (the type I just listen in on my muted phone) Chris said 
something to the effect of "we have to show our audience that this election is an 
organic living thing on election night.  It's happening in real time.  We'll tell the 
viewers to vote and then come watch the election results with us."   We want you to be 
part of our coverage.  No joke! check out our Citizen Journalist page 

On with the show...Our 7 pm ET Hardball All Star panel: Dee Dee, Willie, Pat & 
Howard...Before we get to the panel though we're going to treat you to a little song 
and dance...No, not from the panel, from the USO girls who'll sing "God Bless 
America."  Shuster is on his way from W. Palm Beach to Ft. Lauderdale and he'll do a 
little ditty on early voting from there...Lots of action down in that area...We'll 
also talk to several kid reporters from Scholastic, so that'll be kind of cute...In 
the rough and tumble of politics you gotta watch out for the kids and make sure they 
understand what's going on...We're kid friendly at Hardball and hope they grow up to 
be interested in politics and their country.. 

In the 9 to 10 ET hour we'll throw in Ron Reagan and Ron Silver into the mix and get 
their take on the horse race...Brokaw sat down with President Bush over the weekend 
for a wide ranging interview...We'll "chunk" it heavily in the front half and then 
Chris sits down with Tom in the back half..

10p-11p panel: Andrea, Willie, Meacham & Scarborough...We'll probably throw in there 
DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe and funny man Ben Stein...Plus, Chris will kick it freestyle 
with the audience in our "bullpen" area...If you're in the neighborhood stop by and 
say Hi!  We might just put you on TV...We're at Democracy Plaza, formerly Rockefeller 

Please join us...A good time is guaranteed...An oh yeah, we'll have some killer aerial 
shots of Democracy Plaza courtesy of the Goodyear Blimp...

NBC/WSJ Poll: Bush, Kerry still deadlocked...Good news for president on bin Laden, 
explosives? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6376974/

Shuster just called into Briefing Central and reports the following from W. Palm 
Beach: There are a number of folks on the streets near polling centers but one person 
struck him in particular...An elderly seventy-something woman who used a walker to 
help get around had the thing decked out in Kerry/Edwards signs...She shook her fists 
at cars driving by and gave thumbs up to folks honking...David, in his infinite 
editorial wisdom, scored an interview, in which she explained why she's been out doing 
this for the past four days...It got pretty emotional for her and she even 
cried...We'll bring you the interview and see if we can't put some of it up on the 
blog as well..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Sen. John Kerry has erased President Bush's modest lead and the two candidates head 
into Election Day tied at 49%-49%, a nationwide USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows as an 
extraordinarily bitter and expensive campaign prepared to end. 

More polls http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls.html

Kerry, Bush crossing paths in Midwest...President Bush laid on a six-state, seven-stop 
tour Monday stretching from early morning into late night, mostly in the Midwest. His 
Democratic opponent was working the heartland for a final time, too. (MSNBC) 

An upbeat President Bush launched a six-state, 19-hour day of final campaigning 
Monday, saying he was "energized" by his supporters and confident he would win 
re-election. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041101/D8635KN02.html

Voter turnout is likely to be higher than in recent presidential elections - 
especially among young voters - in a very close race, weekend polls suggest. Those 
polls suggest the race is very close nationally with some polls showing President Bush 
and Democratic Sen. John Kerry even and another showing Bush slightly ahead. (AP) 

Cheney invokes memory of Pearl Harbor...Major party candidate visits Hawaii for first 
time in 44 years (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6380124/

Sammon: Campaigns clash over bin Laden...The presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry 
yesterday defended the senator's remarks blaming President Bush for letting Osama bin 
Laden escape, while the candidate himself backed off some, saying his surrogates 
shouldn't make political use of the al Qaeda leader's latest videotape.  (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20041101-012528-9456r.htm

Shales: From Telegenic to Telegeneric 

Fresh troops arrive in Iraq ahead of assault...Iraqi PM says plans for Fallujah 
offensive in final phase (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6316493/

American, 3 others kidnapped in Baghdad...Security guard, attacker killed in gunfight 
during abduction (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6336322/

Rehnquist absent as high court returns to work...Chief justice said working at home 
while recuperating from cancer (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6328363/

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist disclosed Monday that he's undergoing radiation and 
chemotherapy for thyroid cancer and said he is delaying his expected return to the 
Supreme Court bench on doctors' advice. (AP) 


Katrina: All About Osama http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7&pid=1962

The Thomas Wolfe Interview: 'The liberal elite hasn't got a clue' 

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