            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

Because there are so many of you who need more than just one hour of Hardball 
on a Friday night, we decided to kick you another one...Yes, that's right. 
We'll be on at 9 pm ET tonight as well as 7 pm ET.  That's 6 pm for those of 
you out West.  

We'll lead 7p with the an update from the burial of Yasser Arafat...There was a 
heck of a crowd surrounding the copter that brought his body back to 
Ramallah...So large was the crowd there were problems getting the door open to 
remove his body...We'll show you the video in case you missed it...We'll talk 
to one of Arafat's top advisors and confidantes, Saeb Erekat

We'll then slice and dice the geopolitical impact of Arafat's death and the 
Bush-Blair summit meeting today with former diplomats Martin Indyk and Ed 
Walker, two gentlemen thoroughly steeped in Middle East politics...They'll 
bring "good portfolio" to the table...

Fighting continues in Fallujah as Mosul in the North gets ravaged by insurgents 
who stormed numerous police stations...Also today, a U.S. Blackhawk helicopter 
was shot down by insurgents wounding three of its crew...Mik informs us from 
the Pentagon that "US Lt. General John Sattler reports from Iraq that 22 
Americans have been killed and 170 wounded in the battle for Fallujah....40 of 
those wounded have been treated and returned to duty." We'll get expert 
military analysis from retired General Wayne Downing...

Later in the show Shuster rolls out a package on Ohio and a possible recount 
there...Don't worry folks, the election results won't be overturned, but it 
appears Dems and others want to set the record straight on the final 
numbers...Shuster intends to make sense of it all...Here's Shuster's "aperitif" 
blog on the matter  (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6446237/#041111c) We'll then 
talk to political analysts Susan Molinari and Trippi...

9 pm show is still up in the air but you'll get our best, guaranteed...

We hope you'll honor us with your viewership...

I got to give a shout out to Sam Go and her blog on ABC...Go Sammy!! If it 
wasn't for Sam you wouldn't have half the cool stuff you now enjoy on msnbc.com 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

U.S. forces seek final Fallujah push overnight...Al-Zarqawi reportedly issues 
message urging insurgents to fight on (MSNBC) 

The U.S. military thinks many insurgents fled Fallujah, blending in with the 
waves of Iraqi civilians who were given weeks to leave before the coalition 
invaded and disappointing war planners who were hoping to kill a huge number of 
enemy guerrillas there, military officials said yesterday. (The Washington 
Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20041112-120122-7344r.htm

A U.S. helicopter was shot down Friday north of Baghdad, and its three crew 
members were wounded, the U.S military said. (AP) 

Iraqi insurgents have kidnapped an American who works as a manager at Baghdad 
airport, Al Jazeera television said on Friday. (Reuters) 

A semblance of calm returned to Mosul on Friday after U.S. forces carried out 
air strikes on insurgents, but residents said Iraq's third largest city 
remained tense and Iraqi police were nowhere to be seen. (Reuters) 

Aid agencies called on U.S. forces and the Iraqi government to allow them to 
deliver food, medicine and water to Falluja on Friday and said four days of 
intense fighting had turned the city into a "big disaster." (Reuters) 

Arafat laid to rest in Ramallah...Thousands of Palestinians had swarmed coffin 
on arrival (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6402008/

Arafat Buried in Ramallah...Prayers, Praise for Deceased Leader at Cairo 
Service (The Washington Post) 

Blair, Bush consult on Mideast...Joint news conference scheduled after talks 
(AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6463963/

Militants convinced Israel poisoned Yasser Arafat vowed revenge attacks on the 
Jewish state and warned the new Palestinian leadership against any compromise 
as Arafat was brought home for burial on Friday. (Reuters) 

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton on Thursday offered condolences to 
Palestinians after the death of Yasser Arafat but said their leader had missed 
the opportunity to create lasting Middle East peace in 2000. (Reuters) 

A CIA analyst who wrote a book that criticized the U.S. war on terror has 
resigned from the spy agency after it effectively banned him from publicly 
discussing his views, his publicist said on Thursday. (Reuters) 

The FBI and U.S. attorney's office are investigating the apparent theft of 
about $350,000 in checks from a Democratic campaign committee, federal law 
enforcement and Democratic Party officials said Thursday. 

The U.S. ambassador to Kuwait intervened last year to ensure that Halliburton, 
the oil services company once led by Vice President Dick Cheney, retained a 
Kuwaiti business as a subcontractor to deliver fuel to Iraq, documents released 
Wednesday show. (AP) 

Despite Republican gains, President Bush's picks for potential vacancies on the 
Supreme Court will face "political firestorm" in the Senate, the Bush 
administration's former chief lawyer at the high court said Thursday. (AP) 

Bill and Hillary Clinton are battling behind the scenes to install longtime 
political operative Harold Ickes as the new chairman of the Democratic National 
Committee, replacing Terry McAuliffe. (NY Post) 

Ex-Adviser Reportedly Hurt Embassy Aide...Kuwait Airport Incident Disputed (The 
Washington Post) 

Cosby keeps role as a social critic...Bill Cosby says his public proddings on 
the failures of fellow blacks are consistent with what he has done as an 
entertainer for more than 40 years, and he will continue on that path. (AP) 

Gov. Pataki rebuked his longtime political adviser Arthur Finkelstein yesterday 
for saying President Bush had allowed the "Christian right" to take over the 
Republican Party. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/20527.htm

Fourteen cars of an 83-car Norfolk Southern train derailed near an industrial 
park, leaving the area smelling like a brewery Thursday. (AP) 


Moran's Brave New World: Fallujah's empty promise...True to guerrilla form, the 
insurgents faded away http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6452966/

Roff: The Spector of Arlen: 

Krauthammer: 'Redneck vote' is a liberal myth  

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