            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

Big news inside the beltway as Colin Powell resigns from the cabinet...We all 
knew it was coming but not necessarily this soon...Who'll succeed him?  A 
Neocon hawk or a moderate?  His pick may be a telltale sign of where the war in 
Iraq & war on terror will go...Will the religious right call in their mark as 
the feminists did with Madeleine Albright? 

We'll get the story behind the story with Andrea and then talk to one of the 
Neocon's top intellectual leaders, Richard Perle...

We'll also get a report from Time Mag's Michael Ware, reporting from the 
frontlines of Fallujah...

Then in the back half we'll get into our highly toutly and much promo-ed "The 
Passion Of The Right" special with Newsweek's Jon Meacham, Pat Buchanan, 
Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention and Jim Wallis of "Call to 
Renewal", an umbrella group of Christian groups dedicated to fighting 
poverty...We'll look at the role of religion and faith in politics and the Bush 
administration...Please join us...

Powell quits as secretary of state; will serve until successor is 
OK'd...Resignation submitted Friday to Bush http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6492238/

National security adviser Condoleezza Rice emerged as the likely candidate on 
Monday to replace resigning Secretary of State Colin Powell, Republican sources 
said.  (Reuters) 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing..

Did you see Carville bust an egg on his face yesterday?? Bob Cox has the video 
(a hat tip my friend) CLICK ON THE PIC 

Moran provides instant slice and dice of Powell departure: Powell leaves an 
unfinished legacy...Iraq may yet prove 'the Powell doctrine' correct 

Shocker: A man has apparently tried to set himself on fire on the north side of 
the northwest gate of the White House around 2 p.m. Monday. (WTOP Radio) 

Energy, education, agriculture secretaries resigning...Names have already 
surfaced to replace Abraham, Paige and Veneman 

Iraq fighting spreads far beyond Fallujah...U.S. says 20 insurgents killed in 
Baqouba; situation 'tense' in Mosul (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6403689/

Trouble spots dot Iraqi landscape...Attacks erupt away from fighting in 
Fallujah (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6486511/

U.S. forces battle insurgents in Mosul...U.S. commander predicts 'some hard 
fighting' in next few days (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6491126/

Iraq's most feared terror leader told insurgents in an audiotape found Monday 
on an Islamic Web site that the Americans will move on other guerrilla 
strongholds after Fallujah and urged the guerrillas to strike first. (AP) 

U.S. Military Death Toll in Fallujah at 38 (AP) 

Fallujah's masked fighters have been fighting house to house, firing from 
rooftops and mosques with a seemingly unending supply of firepower, wounded 
U.S. servicemen said Monday, recounting tough urban combat in the Iraqi 
insurgent stronghold. (AP) 

Specter on the line as Congress returns...Must make case for becoming Senate 
Judiciary Committee chair (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6485741/

For Specter, a Showdown Over Judiciary Chairmanship...GOP Senator Battles 
Conservatives Angered by His Comments (The Washington Post) 

CIA veterans clash with new chief...Senior officers fear Goss too isolated; 
resignations mount (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6478618/

President Bush on Monday tapped the chairman of his re-election campaign, Ken 
Mehlman, to head the Republican Party. (AP) 

As Bill Clinton's library is unveiled at a gala opening this week, one thing is 
certain: His messy legacy will be on full display...One alcove will be 
dedicated to impeachment, and organizers have promised not to sidestep even 
Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones. The 58-year-old political superstar is expected 
to draw hundreds of thousands of visitors a year to his library. (AP) 

William Safire, the conservative voice on the New York Times Op-Ed page for 
more than three decades, will end his regular column in early 2005, a Times 
spokeswoman said Monday. (Editor & Publisher) 


Corn: Powell Is Out...His punishment should be four more years. And--yikes!--is 
the infamous Elliott Abrams a possible successor? 

Pat: How goes the culture war? 

Novak: The Senate vs. the U.N.  

Ilana Mercer: Symbolic Savage: Laying to rest some liberal lies about Yasser 
Arafat http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=7390

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