            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite 
radio on channel 130

Tonight we break out fmr. National Security Advisor to President Bush 41 & 
President Ford, Brent Scowcroft to do the UN reorganization story and more 
importantly, the announcement by the Pentagon yesterday that we're shipping 
more troops to Iraq in advance of Iraq's national election on January 
30th...This will mark the highest number of troops since the campaign began...A 
number of those troops are having their tours extended and it would appear that 
those Iraqi troops we were supposed to train can't do the job...This ain't 
cool...Brent has been a critic of the war and said so recently to the Financial 

Brent Backgrounder: Scowcroft Is Critical of Bush...Ex-National Security 
Adviser Calls Iraq a 'Failing Venture' 

Pentagon boosts forces in Iraq to highest level...Tour extensions to bring U.S. 
force near 150,000 (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6629419/

We'll also talk to outgoing NAACP President Kweisi Mfume about his 
organization, their opposition to Bush and the Democratic party...Plus, what's 
the future have in store for Mfume? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6616928/

That United Church of Christ ad is generating controversy as NBC & CBS refuse 
to air it...We'll roll the ad and talk to a minister representing the Church 
and Rev. Jerry Falwell 

We'll close the show with Patti Davis and her moving tribute to her father 
Ronald Reagan...Her new book is called "The Long Goodbye"

Pls join us for this one of a kind, action packed show...You won't be 
disappointed I promise

Dominic Bellone wrote, edited and compiled The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Bush rejects delaying Iraq elections...'Time ... to go to the polls,' president 
says (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6636827/

Mortars kill 1, wound several in Baghdad...U.S. Embassy bans workers from 
dangerous Baghdad airport (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6577206/

Tenet Criticizes Intelligence Bill...Ex-CIA Director Opposes Proposed 
Separation of Duties (The Washington Post) 

Nebraska governor picked as ag secretary...Bush calls Johanns 'a faithful 
friend to America's farmers' (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6637105/

Bush: U.N. must come clean on Iraq oil scandal...But president doesn't call for 
Annan's resignation (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6631989/

Vice President Dick Cheney will travel to Afghanistan to attend the 
inauguration Tuesday of Hamid Karzai as Afghanistan's first directly elected 
president. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041202/D86NLM8O3.html

Democratic governors hope to wrest control of their beleaguered party and make 
their homegrown policies, tactics and political organizations a key to 
reversing Republican gains. (AP) 

Kerik tops list to be Homeland chief...Sources say New York City's former 
police commissioner who also helped train police in Iraq may head federal 
Homeland Security agency (Newsday) 

Frist Political Fund Can't Cover Bank Loan...Senator's Investment in Stock 
Market Has Lost $460,000 in Value Since 2000 (The Washington Post) 

Some abstinence programs misleading...Report documents misstatements in 
curricula (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6633542/

Kenneth Starr says he never should have led the investigation that resulted in 
the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. (AP) 

Hitchens to speak at West Point http://nypost.com/gossip/32270.htm


Peggy: The Education of Dan Rather...From the golden age of network TV to the 
end of its hegemony. 

Katrina: With Tom Ridge following Colin Powell out the White House revolving 
door, George Bush has finally completed his purge of Vietnam veterans from the 
cabinet. Call it the revenge of the Deferment Generation. 

Novak: Bush finding out ride gets bumpier in second term 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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