            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

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A couple of journalists are being threatened with jail time if they don't 
testify before a grand jury and give up a source in the Bush administration who 
leaked the name of Valerie Plame...Plame you'll recall is a CIA operative and 
the wife of former ambassador to Iraq Joe Wilson (circa Gulf War I). Wilson was 
the guy who disputed President Bush's assertion that Saddam was trying to buy 
uranium (read nuclear material) from the African country of Niger.  Plame's 
name was leaked to and reported by columnist Bob Novak.  Wilson claims the 
leaking of his wife's name was meant to intimidate him and put his wife's life 
in danger as a covert operative.  Those two journalists, Matt Cooper of Time 
magazine and Judith Miller of the New York Times will join us..

Shuster does a package on the "Rummy on the hot seat" story...Bush commented on 
the armor question earlier today and the Pentagon held a presser...Shuster will 
bring you the latest on it... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6676765/

We'll also bring in Tony and Hilary Rosen to do the politics of it and a few 
other newsie items of the day...

We finish up with the lawsuits some soldiers are filing to prevent being 
dragooned involuntarily back to Iraq by the controversial "stop-loss" 
program...Here's the background 
  We'll talk to the lawyer of Qualls

Blankley backgrounder: On the new Intel honcho: Long live the czar 

And don't forget, tomorrow Jimmy Carter's in the house for a sit down with 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

 A shortage of "up-armored" Humvees in Iraq, highlighted Wednesday by a 
soldier's pointed question to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is a 
consequence of insurgent tactics the military didn't anticipate, the Pentagon's 
chief spokesman said. (The Dallas Morning News) 

Bernard Kerik, President Bush's choice to run the Homeland Security Department, 
made $6.2 million by exercising stock options he received from a company that 
sold stun guns to the department - and seeks more business with it. (AP) 

President Bush on Thursday ruled out raising payroll taxes to help pay for 
Social Security reform, a transition experts have estimated will cost $1 
trillion to $2 trillion. (Reuters) 

The Bush administration on Wednesday urged the Supreme Court to allow Ten 
Commandments displays on government property, adding a federal view on a major 
church-state case that justices will deal with early next year. (AP) 

Bush continues to shape Cabinet for second term...Nicholson to head VA; 4 
others to stay on job (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6685600/

Officer Alleges CIA Retaliation...Lawsuit Says Agency Urged False Reporting on 
Iraqi Arms (The Washington Post) 

On a gray wintry morning at this huge Southern California Marine base, 
President Bush offered an unusually sober assessment Tuesday of the war in 
Iraq, acknowledging that the insurgency is getting worse, that newly trained 
Iraqi soldiers are fighting poorly at times and that the war's casualties are 
taking a heavy toll on military families (SF Chronicle) 

All of John Kerry's one-time rivals in the Democratic presidential primary 
eventually lined up to support him as the nominee, but only one got paid for it 
- Al Sharpton (AP) 

Secretary of State Colin Powell bid a nostalgic farewell on Thursday to the 
NATO Western security alliance he first served as platoon commander facing down 
the Soviet army 46 years ago. (Reuters) 

Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday he won't seek political office, 
dismissing suggestions that he run for governor or senator in New York. (AP) 

Howard Dean, with an eye on leading the Democratic Party in the wake of 
widespread election losses, said Wednesday that Democrats must campaign on 
their convictions and not give into the temptation to behave like Republicans. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041208/D86RN9MO0.html

Recognition of 'Christianophobia' sought...A Vatican diplomatic campaign is 
trying to have "Christianophobia" recognized as an evil that is equal to hatred 
of Jews and Muslims. (The Washington Times) 

Kissinger's Shadow Over the Council on Foreign Relations (The Nation Mag) 

Jesse Jackson: 2004 Election 'Ain't Over' (Marc Morano) 


Cohen: Kerik's Bully History 

Terry: Illegal Aliens Licensed to Kill 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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