            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

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Lots of news out there for a Friday, particularly ex: Iraq...The Pentagon will 
send a retired four star general for an "open ended" review of the 
situation...Army Reservists face longer tours of duty as U.S. forces continue 
to be stretched to the breaking point...9 U.S. troops have been killed in the 
last 24 hours and both Iraqi and U.S. officials are warning of further 
"spectacular" violence before the January 30th elections...Plus, martial law is 
extended in liberated Iraq...Not to mention Scowcroft & Zbig offering a 
pessimistic outlook at a Washington luncheon yesterday...We'll tie it all 
together at the top of the show with Andrea ...

On Monday, opening statements are scheduled to begin in the first trial 
stemming from the Abu Ghraib torture scandal...Spc. Charles Graner faces up to 
17 1/2 years for his alleged role as "ringleader" in the abuse...In a Hardball 
exclusive we talk to his lawyer Guy Womack about his line of defense...

And now for something completely different...Chris talks to Robert MacNeil 
about the American language and all its wonderful regional dialects...As the 
former "MacNeil" in the "MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour", we'll probably throw some 
current events at him as well...MacNeil promises to drop some heavy gravitas...

We finish up with a fun interview taped earlier this week with Al Franken...If 
you can believe it, he's just back from a USO tour of Iraq...We'll get his 
eyewitness report...

Have a great weekend!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Graner Backgrounder: On the eve of the first trial stemming from the Abu Ghraib 
prison scandal, prosecutors dropped two charges against the soldier accused of 
being the ringleader of the abuse. 

Allawi warns of more violence ahead of vote...Iraqi PM's comments follow death 
of 9 Americans in two attacks (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6727646/

The Pentagon is sending a retired four-star Army general to Iraq next week to 
conduct an unusual "open-ended" review of the military's entire Iraq policy, 
including troop levels, training programs for Iraqi security forces and the 
strategy for fighting the insurgency, senior Defense Department officials said 
Thursday. (NY Times) 

The U.S. military vowed on Friday to do everything possible to safeguard Iraq's 
Jan. 30 election, undeterred by the killing of nine troops in the deadliest day 
for American forces since an attack on a U.S. base last month (Reuters) 

Reservists may face longer tours of duty...Army leaders also consider allowing 
for more frequent call-ups (The Washington Post) 

Three Pennsylvania Army reservists at the center of the Abu Ghraib prisoner 
abuse scandal in Iraq are likely to face off in a Texas courtroom during the 
next week in the court-martial trial of a Fayette County soldier. (Pittsburgh 
Tribune Review) 

Scowcroft Skeptical Vote Will Stabilize Iraq...Friend of Bush Family Joins 
Pessimists (The Washington Post) 

Crumbling at the seams in Iraq...Bloody deeds, bold defiance -- and what it may 
say about the future (NBC News) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6727646/

Undersecretary of State John Bolton, a leading hard-liner on nuclear 
nonproliferation who has raised hackles among America's allies as well as its 
adversaries, is expected to quit the Bush administration, sources said on 
Thursday. (Reuters) 

Bush's approval rating at 49 percent in new poll...President Bush's approval 
rating as he prepares for a second term is at 49 percent, with 49 percent 
disapproving, according to a new AP poll. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6798213/

Zoellick in line to be Rice's top deputy...Officials: Trade negotiator chosen 
for State Department position http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6798082/

Kerry cheered in Baghdad, decries Bush team's 'blunders'....Once criticized for 
war stance, he says force alone won't win (SF Chronicle) 

Police blame IRA for massive Belfast robbery...Announcement will likely 
complicate peacemaking efforts (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6798331/

Report: Administration paid commentator to promote initiative...Williams got 
$240,000 to push education reform (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6798618/

Drug Control Office Faulted For Issuing Fake News Tapes (The Washington Post) 

Conservative Christians are flabbergasted about reports that raunchy 
rock-rapper Kid Rock will perform at a youth concert at the presidential 
inauguration. (NY Daily News) 

James Brown sued for alleged rape in 1988...Former employee seeks more than 
$100 million in damages (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6796284/

Julia Roberts Buys Donald Rumsfeld's Land (People Mag) 

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