            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight on Hardball we'll not only bring you the latest on Katrina's aftermath 
and all the day's events (rescue efforts continue as frustration, desperation 
and chaos mount), we'll bring you stories of America's goodness in responding 
to this tragedy...Houston is opening the Astrodome to refugees and the Governor 
of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, announced today that all Illinois public schools 
will be open to children displaced by Hurricane Katrina...We'll speak with Gov. 

We're also sending Chris to the Armed Forces Retirement Home down the street 
from us on North Cap....The Home has two locations: DC & Gulfport, MS...They 
just got a shipment of about 416 retirees traveling 1,000 miles on 10 charter 
buses from their Gulfport home which was devastated by Katrina...Chris will 
walk around the place and talk to the COO...

"We're going to give them the medical care they need. We're going to get them a 
bed. We're going to get them a shower. We're going to feed them. We're going to 
take care of them, because they're ours."


More on the AFRH http://www.afrh.gov/DWP/afrh/afrhhome.htm

As a matter of fact, tomorrow we'll do the full show live from AFRH...

We'll also go live tonight to Houston's Astrodome and get an update on the 
refugee situation...We'll also talk to folks at the Star of Hope, a Houston 
homeless shelter now serving Katrina refugees and trying to place refugees with 
private homes...

We'll also get a report from Atlanta where folks there are opening their homes 
victims of Katrina...

On Friday night the NBC News family (NBC, MSNBC, CNBC) will air an hour long 
telethon featuring a number of celebrities doing their part to chip in at 8 pm 
ET...We hope you'll tune in and give generously 

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

How to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina 

Bush to visit Gulf on Friday, taps ex-presidents...Clinton and Bush's father 
will lead fundraising effort (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9157866/

Americans reach out to help Katrina's victims...Thousands open their wallets 
and offer their skills to aid Gulf Coast (AP) 

Cries for help spread across New Orleans...Local official blames FEMA for 
'national disgrace,' mayor issues 'SOS' (MSNBC) 

Houston opens arms to those in Superdome...The first refugees arrive in a 
commandeered bus (Houston Chronicle) 

"...Astrodome officials said it would only accept people who were stranded at 
the Superdome - a rule that was tested late Wednesday when an Orleans Parish 
school bus arrived, filled with families with children seeking shelter. At 
first, Astrodome officials said they couldn't come in, but then allowed them to 
enter for food and water." (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9152644/

Disaster overwhelms even seasoned rescuers...FEMA teams from around the country 
look for survivors of Katrina (The Washington Post) 

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday the federal 
government is sending in 1,400 National Guard troops per day to control looting 
and lawlessness in New Orleans, quadrupling the regular police force in the 
city by the weekend (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9160284/

The military plans to increase the number of National Guard troops on duty in 
Louisiana and Mississippi from a combined 7,400 to about 18,100, the senior 
commander in charge of military relief and rescue efforts said Thursday. (AP) 

New Orleans sinks into public health disaster...Babies airlifted without 
parents, hospitals face danger of heavy looting (AP) 

Across U.S., homes opened to Katrina refugees...People post ads online for free 
or extremely cheap lodging for refugees (AP) 

New Orleans faces bleak future...City will encounter extraordinary problems in 
rebuilding (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9150429/

'That boy is a hero': Rescue of family is silver lining for city...A 
13-year-old boy in Biloxi, Miss., rescued his entire family -- 12 people, 
including his twin sister -- during Katrina's rage. (Miami Herald) 

Fats Domino missing in New Orleans floods...Musician and family didn't evacuate 
when hurricane came (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9159941/

For about a decade this gambling town on Mississippi's Gulf Coast has been the 
place to be in the state if you were poor, down on your luck and looking for 
work. (Reuters) 

Major airports in the East and Southeast could run out of jet fuel as soon as 
next week if refinery and pipeline shutdowns aren't resolved soon. (USA Today)  

Eight Long Days...Nearing the end of their tour in Iraq, National Guard troops 
from Louisiana face an uncertain homecoming. (Newsweek) 

In other news...

Iraq mourns nearly 1,000 stampede victims...Critics blast government for 
failing to prevent tragedy at Shiite procession (AP) 

Iraq holds first executions since Saddam's fall...3 men hanged for killing 
police officers, kidnapping and rape (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9157708/

Curry: Immigration at issue in Virginia governor's race...Republican Kilgore 
assails town for opening center for day laborers 


Pat: Conservatism: A house divided 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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