            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

"Decision 2006: Battleground America" continues tonight with two live editions 
of Hardball at 5 and 7 Eastern. It's been a huge day of politics so far, and 
Hardball will kick it up a notch tonight! 

In case you missed it, here are just a few of the things that happened today on 
--RNC Chair Ken Mehlman said the public is very anxious because we're in the 
middle of a tough war.
--DNC Chair Howard Dean said Democrats would loook into how we got into Iraq if 
they take over Congress.
--Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) said there have been mistakes in the management of 
the war.
--Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA) said he wouldn't have voted for the Iraq War knowing 
what he knows today.
--Sen. Jim Talent (R-MO) said Missouri voters want things to move faster in 
--Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-TN) said we should not leave Iraq until we win. 

It all happened on MSNBC's "Decision 2006: Battleground America." We're your 
place to prep for the midterm. Watch more here: 

In case you haven't heard yet, Thursday's Hardball will be a celebration of the 
new partnership between NBC News, MSNBC, MSNBC.com, and the National Journal 
Group (including Hardball's favorite The Hotline) for Decision 2006 coverage. 
For just a taste of what you'll be getting out of that deal, check out 
MSNBC.com's brand new interactive electoral map for more information on all the 
hot races in 2006: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14275232/.

Chris will talk tonight with Claire McCaskill, the Democrat challenging Sen. 
Jim Talent (R-MO), about how she thinks she can win her race in Missouri. Also 
tonight, don't miss a hot debate between Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) and his 
opponent Francine Busby (D). It's a rematch for these two after Bilbray beat 
Busby in a June special election to fill the seat of disgraced former Rep. Duke 
Cunningham (R-CA). Can Bilbray do it again? Or does the tide favor Democrats 
just months after Bilbray's win? 

MSNBC Chief Washington Correspondent Norah O'Donnell will report on Republican 
candidates running away from President Bush during this campaign. Hardball's 
David Shuster will report from the field in Ohio, where all eyes are on the 
U.S. Senate race between Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH) and Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-OH). 
NBC's Kevin Tibbles will report from Illinois, where Iraq War veteran Tammy 
Duckworth (D) has been making headlines in her race. MSNBC's Chris Jansing will 
report from Connecticut, where the battle rages on between U.S. Senate 
Democratic primary winner Ned Lamont and Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT). 

Plus, Chris will talk with MSNBC's Pat Buchanan, the National Review's Kate 
O'Beirne, MSNBC's Ron Reagan, U.S. News and World Report's David Gergen, 
Philadelphia radio host Michael Smerconish, the Washington Post's Eugene 
Robinson, Newsweek's Howard Fineman, the Washington Times' John McCaslin, and 
the New Republic's Ryan Lizza about all the latest developments in the battle 
to control Congress. 

Here are some things you might not have read yet today:
--AP reports on the president's latest security speech today 
--MSNBC's (constantly updated) political planner http://hardball.msnbc.com
--Hardblogger http://hardball.msnbc.com
--NBC's "First Read" http://firstread.msnbc.com
--Doonesbury http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose/index.html

Brooke Brower compiled the "Hardball Briefing" in Washington, D.C.

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