            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Tomorrow night, President Bush will address the nation on Iraq.  Join us as 
MSNBC previews the speech all day with special analysis and debate on the Iraq 
War, starting at 9 AM EST tomorrow.  NBC News Baghdad Bureau Chief Richard 
Engel will anchor live from Baghdad, joined by NBC News' Tim Russert, Andrea 
Mitchell, David Gregory and Lester Holt.  And at 9 PM EST, Chris Matthews and 
Keith Olbermann anchor the president's address with post-speech analysis from 
Joe Scarborough.
Tonight on Hardball, Chris talks to Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) about the new bill 
he's proposing that will require Congressional approval for the president's 
plans to increase troops in Iraq.  Chris also asks the senator about the Senate 
Armed Services Committee's upcoming Iraq hearings and his colleagues from 
Massachusetts - former Gov. Mitt Romney (D) and Sen. John Kerry (D) - and their 
plans for '08.   Plus, we'll get a preview of Bush's speech and what to expect 
from the Democrats from Hardball Correspondent David Shuster 

Go to www.politics.msnbc.com for the latest on this and all of today's 
political news.

We'll have more on the politics of Iraq and 2008 with Rep. Duncan Hunter 
(R-CA), and later in the show, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Sen. "Kit" Bond 
(R-MO).  Nelson met with President Bush at the White House on Friday and he'll 
tell us about that.   We'll also hear from Bond, vice chairman of the Senate 
Select Intelligence Committee, on the upcoming Senate hearings.

Then, will tomorrow night's speech be the most important of Bush's presidency?  
We'll be joined by Ken Duberstein, former Reagan White House Chief of Staff to 
talk about the president's strategy.  

And the Hardballers will be here to hash through everything politics.  Michael 
Duffy from Time and USA Today's Susan Page will talk Bush, Iraq, Congress, Fred 
Fielding's new post, the upcoming hearings on the Hill and the latest in '08 
news.  Read Duffy's latest on what a troop "surge" really means: 
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1574148,00.html.  Page reports 
on a new USA Today/Gallup poll that shows little support for more troops in 
Iraq: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007-01-08-gallup-poll_x.htm.
Stories you may have missed today:
-- Dems postpone '08 convention decision, AP reports: 
-- AP: Romney scores $6.5 million at kickoff fundraiser: 
-- Online activists push "Ford Pledge" for civility in Congress, today's 
HotSoup: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16541154/
-- MSNBC's Political Calendar: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14708421/
-- NBC's First Read: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/

Shelby Poduch and Tina Urbanski compiled the Hardball Briefing from Washington, 

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