            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hello Hardballers...

The bombshell book has landed.   George Tenet gives his side of the story of 
the run-up to war in At the Center of the Storm  
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18357494/.   Tonight on "Hardball" we lead off with 
an excerpt of Tom Brokaw's interview with the former CIA director.   And we'll 
get a debrief on the today's fallout from the book from Hardball's David 
Shuster.   Then on to NBC's David Gregory, who interviewed White House Press 
Secretary Tony Snow today.  This is Snow's first day back at work more than a 
month after he announced his cancer had returned.   We'll have a portion of 
that interview, in addition to an update from David Gregory, who'll be at the 
White House North Lawn.  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18394515/

Coming up this Thursday, Chris Matthews moderates the GOP Presidential 
candidates debate, sponsored by MSNBC, Politico.com and the Reagan Library.  
And  today, Chris will talk to Politico.com's John Harris for a preview of the 
debate, and to tell you how you can ask your questions live on Politico.com.   
Then we add Newsweek's Howard Fineman and The Washington Post's Lois Romano, 
for a round up of the hot political news, including the Tenet book, the war 
bill and whether the GOP's future is tied to the Iraq war. 

Our Hardballers tonight are radio talk show host and MSNBC political analyst 
Ron Reagan and the Washington Times' Tony Blankley.   They'll talk about the 
coming showdown between Bush and the Congress, plus the jockeying for position 
among the 08ers.  And of course, a look ahead to Thursday night's debate.

We finish the show with a big interview with music mogul Russell Simmons, whose 
new book is "Do You:  12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness 
and Success."  
http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Book/BookDisplay/0,,9781592402939,00.html  He'll 
be right here on set with Chris.

It's another big show you won't want to miss.

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