            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Dear Hardballers,

After all the glitz and glory of the first in the nation presidential debates 
on MSNBC, plus the Time 100, some happy Hardballers were strutting a little 
more slowly through Hardball Plaza to HQ today.  

For the many folks who noticed our blog about the Time 100 party, Cate 
Blanchett looked fantastic!  And, Elizabeth Edwards did not punch Jay Carney 
(or anyone else.)  A debate note: Tina Fey gave Chris the now-famous green tie 
he wore to moderate.

Of course the big talk in DC is about Tim Russert's incredible reporting on 
Nightly News last night (go to the Nightly News page on MSNBC.com) and on the 
Today show this morning.  All eyes are on the White House as well as the 
moderate Republicans in Congress.  Al Sharpton, Chris Hitchens' debate partner, 
will be with us but we lead with David Shuster and the latest from Capitol Hill 
where the House is expected to vote on the War Funding Bill later tonight.  
We'll hear from two House members, Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) and Rep. Kay Granger 
(R-TX).  Later in the show, more on the debate with our Hardballers: Washington 
Times Editorial Page Editor Tony Blankley and former Rep. Tom Andrews (D-NY), 
current National Director of Win Without War.  NBC Political Analyst Charlie 
Cook will also be here with his insight.

Then, a new '08 battle: Sharpton vs. Romney.  The Rev. Al Sharpton has taken 
flak for recent comments he made about presidential contender Mitt Romney.  
He'll talk about his fighting words tonight.   

And how will the issues of abortion, stem cell research and evolution play out 
in the race for the White House.  Richard Land from the Southern Baptist 
Convention will be here to talk about that.
For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com <http://www.politics.msnbc.com>, powered by NBC 
News and the National Journal.  Don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" 
<http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/> and MSNBC.com's political calendar 

Tammy Haddad and Shelby Poduch compiled the Hardball Briefing from Washington, 

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