            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
When you think of cable talk, Reverend Jerry Falwell was a regular who never 
found an issue he couldn't debate. Hardball sends deepest sympathies to his 
family. Go to Hardball.msnbc.com for Chris's thoughts on Falwell's impact on 

Also tonight, Brian Williams has done it again. An exclusive U.S. interview 
with British Prime Minister Tony Blair before Blair bids the political world 
one final "Cheerio!" He previews it for us tonight. 

Then the political legacy of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who died today at the age 
of 73.  Falwell, television evangelist and founder of the Moral Majority, was 
known for his fierce battles against Roe vs. Wade, same-sex marriage, gay 
rights and purple purse-carrying Tinky Winky, one of the "Teletubbies."  We'll 
talk about Falwell's controversial marriage of religion and politics with the 
Rev. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network and Joe Scarborough, host of 
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and "Scarborough Country."  Then, will anyone step in to 
rally the voting evangelicals for 2008?  We'll hear from RNC chairman Sen. Mel 
Martinez (R-FL). 

On Capitol Hill, senators still don't have the Justice Department related 
e-mails from Karl Rove that were supposed to arrive by 2 pm today. The 
political storm over the firings of U.S. attorneys rages on, amid the 
resignations of four of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' subordinates. 
Hardball's David Shuster puts it all into a piece, and we'll hear from fired 
U.S. attorney David Iglesias.

And the race for the White House in 2008 rolls on.  Our Hardballers: Democratic 
strategist Steve McMahon and former Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) will tackle all 
the latest news, including a new VoteVet ad that targets Sen. John McCain 
(R-AZ) and the recent spotlight on the public and private dealings of Rudy 
Giuliani.  Molinari is a senior adviser and friend of the mayor, so get ready 
for a good debate.

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com <http://www.politics.msnbc.com>, powered by NBC 
News and the National Journal.  Don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" 
<http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/> and MSNBC.com's political calendar 

Tomorrow on the Today Show: Brian Williams, Tim Russert AND Andrea Mitchell.

Tammy Haddad and Shelby Poduch compiled the Hardball Briefing from Washington, 

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