            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - He's baaack! 
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is back out there, publicly defending Bush 
torture policies, criticizing the Obama administration and telling the 
Republican party "it would be a mistake for us to moderate." So, what to make 
of the former VP's post-administration publicity tour? Mother Jones' David Corn 
and the New York Daily News' Tom DeFrank will weigh in. 
For more: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/05/07/1926056.aspx
Next up - if Dick Cheney isn't the guiding voice of the G.O.P., then perhaps 
Republicans should look a little further back in history to the likes of 
William F. Buckley, the father of the modern Conservative movement. His son, 
Christopher Buckley will be here tonight to talk about his parents and discuss 
his new book, "Losing Mum and Pup."  
For more: 
And it's a star-studded edition of "Hardball" tonight! Oscar-award-winning 
actress, Goldie Hawn will be stopping to talk politics and tell us about her 
work as an advocate of children's mental health.
For more: 
In the Politics Fix, the WashingtonPost.com's Chris Cillizza and Atlantic 
Media's Ron Brownstein will be here to talk about the Pelosi (D-CA) 
controversy. How much did Madame Speaker know about the enhanced interrogation 
tactics and when did she know it? 
For more: 
And in the Sideshow, what does Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) have against those Viagra 
and Cialis ads on TV? We'll fill you in. 

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