            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First Up - Arabian Nights.  

President Obama journeys overseas to Saudi Arabia.  Will President Obama, 
teamed with his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton be able to make any headway 
in improving the Middle East? What role will his former presidential rival have 
in the diplomatic process?  We'll ask NBC News Chief White House correspondent 
Chuck Todd, who's traveling with the President in Saudi Arabia, and Neil 
MacFarquhar, author of "The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You 
a Happy Birthday: Unexpected Encounters in the Changing Middle East" to analyze.

For more on the President's trip, go to:

Next up - Republican Robbery. First, there was Ray LaHood, then Jon Huntsman, 
and most recently, John McHugh and Jim Leach. In his quest to both appear 
bipartisan and to maintain Democratic majorities, President Obama has 
selectively nominated Republicans from competitive areas to serve in his 
administration, paving the way for Democrats to vy for the open seats. We'll 
discuss the President's strategy with Reps. Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Peter King 

For more on the President's strategy, go to:

Next up - Presidential Posturing? A new poll suggests that there is no clear 
GOP frontrunner for the 2012 election. We'll take a look at what that means for 
the Republican Party and its electoral prospects with Mark McKinnon, a former 
advisor to Senator McCain and President Bush, and Ron Kaufman, a former advisor 
to the Romney campaign.

For more on the GOP poll, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, today it was revealed that former Vice 
President Cheney personally oversaw congressional briefings regarding 
waterboarding in order to build a defense for the enhanced interrogation 
program. We'll discuss this, along with the President's partnership with 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on foreign affairs, with the Washington 
Post's Chris Cillizza and former Rep. Harold Ford Jr.

For more on former Vice President Cheney, go to: 

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