            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Lawrence O'Donnell in for Chris Matthews, town hall rage!

Across the country, hostile town hall meetings confronted members of Congress 
on recess. Someone went as far as to paint a swastika on Congressman David 
Scott's (D-GA) office. Has the hate gone too far? We'll ask Representative 
David Scott (D-GA) and Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) about the town hall 

For more on the anger, go to: 

Next up, who are those guys?

Yesterday, thousands of people in America gathered at town hall meetings and 
expressed their opinions on health care. What are these people demanding? Are 
they being used by outside interests or is there more to their ostensible 
anger? We'll play Hardball with Katy Abram, questioner at Senator Arlen 
Specter's town hall yesterday, on what these protesters believe.

For more on the protests, go to: 

Plus, Karl Rove directly linked to New Mexico attorney firing?

The House Judiciary Committee released more than 5,400 pages of White House and 
Republican National Committee e-mails and transcripts of closed-door testimony. 
These documents seem to indicate that Karl Rove played a large role in the New 
Mexico attorney firing. We'll discuss the implications of the Bush White 
House's alleged manipulation of the justice department with Newsweek 
Investigative Reporter Michael Isikoff and Washington Post's Carrie Johnson.

For more on the 5,400+ documents released by the House Judiciary Committee, go 
to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32377973/ns/politics-more_politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Syndicated Columnist Tony Blankley and Editor in 
Chief of Salon.com Joan Walsh will join us to analyze the town hall meetings, 
Rick Santorum possibly returning in a big way, and the rest of the day's 
political events.

For more on the town halls and the White House response, go to: 

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