            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - The Optional Public Option?

Reports today show that the White House may yield on including a public option 
as a part of healthcare reform.  Representatives Phil Gingrey (R-GA) and Jim 
Cooper (D-TN) will be here to discuss where the legislation currently stands. 

For more on the public option, go to:

Next up - Midterm Exam. President Obama's ambitious agenda and sinking poll 
numbers have some Democrats nervous about their chances in the 2010 elections. 
What will be the fate of the Democrats most closely tied to the President?  
What are the typical losses for the incumbent party in a midterm election? 
We'll ask MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan and The Cook Political Report's 
Charlie Cook to analyze. 

For more on the 2010 elections, go to:

Plus - Today, while speaking to nearly 13,000 members of the VFW, President 
Obama praised the work of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We'll examine 
the toll these wars have taken on the military and their families, including 
one fallen marine, Sgt. William Cahir, whose heroic story will be related to us 
by his friend and former colleague Brett Lieberman. 

For more on the President's speech, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll discuss the latest involving the 
Clintons, along with the fate of the public option with The Chicago Tribune's 
Clarence Page and USA Today's Susan Page.

For more on the Clintons, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball Sideshow!  Tonight, we'll show you why a 
Congressman infamously known as "The Hammer," may just be light on his feet. 

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