            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Rand Paul overdrive!
It's Day Two of damage control for the Republican Senate candidate from 
Kentucky. He's still trying to walk back comments about the 1964 Civil Rights 
act. Thing is - he didn't help his cause much today by adding that President 
Obama's criticism of British Petroleum is "un-American." Is Paul's candidacy in 
trouble? We'll ask the Chicago Tribune's Clarence page and the Politico's 
Jonathan Martin to weigh in. 
Next - BP announced today that the effects of the oil still in the gulf are far 
worse than they had previously estimated. We'll explore the politics and 
morality of protecting the environment with Sojouner's Jim Wallace. 
Also, the Texas Board of Education is expected to vote to make their mark on 
the history books - literally. And it just so happens that those books will be 
the templates of textbooks used around the country. We'll debate the issue with 
the Dallas Morning News's Wayne Slater and NAACP President Benjamin Jealous.  
Finally, what's up with the Republican Class of 1994? Turns out Congressman 
Mark Souder (R-IN) is just one of many from that group to end up involved in 
scandal. We'll take a look at where that Class of 1994 is now with the 
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and Melinda Henneberger from PoliticsDaily.com
And Chris had a moment with comedian Chelsea Handler on "The Tonight Show" last 
night. We'll bring you the tape on the Hardball Sideshow. Don't miss it!

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