            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Daily constitutional.

John Boehner became the latest Republican to say that Congress should consider 
changing the 14th Amendment to revoke birthright citizenship. On "Meet the 
Press" yesterday the would-be Speaker of the House joined a long list of 
prominent Republicans - including Tim Pawlenty, Mitch McConnell, John Kyl and 
Lindsey Graham - to oppose the amendment. Just how far are Republicans willing 
to go with this? Former Oklahoma Congressman Ernest Istook will give us his 

Plus, House members are locked in a showdown over a $26 billion bill designed 
to prevent teacher layoffs.  Democrats say they're saving jobs but Republicans 
say Nancy Pelosi wants to spend more money we don't have.  Rep. Chris Van 
Hollen (D-MD) and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) will debate this one.

Also, everyone knows what the First Lady did last week. While Mr. Obama 
celebrated his birthday back home in Chicago, Mrs. Obama was vacationing 
overseas in Spain. Politicos are now saying that the vacation was a bad idea 
and that Michelle should be hitting the campaign trail. Former Press Secretary 
for the Clinton White House, Dee Dee Myers and the Washington Post's Nia-Malika 
Henderson will tell us what the First Lady should be doing.

And a recent poll revealed that if strongly opinionated voters showed up to the 
polls, the Republicans would easily win back the House. Can Democrats avoid a 
nightmarish November by closing the enthusiasm gap and getting more of their 
supporters to the polls? Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum and the Politico's Jonathan 
Martin will break down whether this is possible or simply easier said than done.

Want more Hardball updates and breaking political news? Follow producer Brooke 
Brower on Twitter -- www.twitter.com/brookebrower. 

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