            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading of tonight: The Power of Palin

Primary day turned out to be another bad day for Washington insiders, including 
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. If unknown Joe Miller bests Murkowski in her 
re-election bid, he'll have one person to thank: Sarah Palin. If you believe 
Sarah Palin isn't still a huge force in American politics you're making a big 
mistake. Her approval rating among Republican voters is the envy of the field 
and she has a clear path to the presidential nomination if she wants it. Mother 
Jones' David Corn and MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan will analyze what 
Palin's big wins last night mean for her political future. 

Plus, last night on this program we heard Rick Lazio dishonestly call Imam 
Feisal Abdul Rauf a terrorist sympathizer. Tonight we go over the claims made 
by opponents of the planned mosque near Ground Zero and see whether there's any 
merit to them. Former New York Governor George Pataki and MSNBC political 
analyst Eugene Robinson will join us in our fact-finding mission.

In tonight's Sideshow, Nevada Republican Senate hopeful Sharron Angle channels 
Michelle Bachmann's famous appearance on Hardball and agrees that there are 
homegrown enemies working in the House and the Senate.  

Also, Glenn Beck is getting ready to host their pro-constitution rally on the 
anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a speech dream" this weekend. 
Beck says the event is non-political, but is that possible when Sarah Palin is 
a headline speaker? Salon's Joan Walsh and Princeton Professor Melissa 
Harris-Lacewell will tell us what we should expect to see Saturday and what we 
should make of all this.

Also, today marks the one-year anniversary of Ted Kennedy's passing. The Boston 
Globe's Peter Cannellos, author of "The Last Lion" a look at the fall and rise 
of Ted Kennedy, helps us examine the late senator's legacy and how his absence 
has impacted the Obama Presidency.  

And we finish tonight with a tip of the hat to New York Mayor Michael 
Bloomberg, who made the case for religious freedom in a speech last night when 
so many people seem to prefer name-calling.

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