            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

No question about our lead tonight: Hurricane Rita is now a Category 4 
Hurricane and rushing towards Texas...We'll get the latest on the hurricane's 
path and what local, state and federal officials are doing to prepare for it..

We'll talk to Port Arthur, TX mayor Oscar Ortiz, Lyda Ann Thomas, Mayor of 
Galveston, two cities in Rita's path...Plus, direct from Galveston, the 
national spokesman for the American Red Cross on efforts to aid victims of 
Rita...We'll also get a sense of Rita's wrath from Key West mayor Jimmy Weekly

The Washington Post has a piece today http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9419053/ 
suggesting that the levee system in New Orleans was not as sound as once 
thought and that the notion that it could withstand a Category 3 hurricane was 
perhaps fallacious...Fmr. Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) is in the house to give us 
the lowdown on the levees...

David Shuster checks in with a package on the politics of Louisiana and the 
billions of dollars headed its way...David looks at some of the colorful 
political figures of Louisiana's past (Huey "Kingfish" Long immediately comes 
to mind) and how their legacy may have contributed to the failed response and 
damaged levee systems...Plus, who'll keep an eye the folks (lobbyists and such) 
who'll have their hands out for federal reconstruction funds?

We round out the show tonight with famed jazz musician and New Orleans native 
son, Wynton Marsalis... 

Something to look forward to on Friday, Andrea Mitchell stops by to discuss her 
new book http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9410751

Please join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball 
Briefing from Washington, DC

Rita strengthens to a Category 4 storm...Hurricane churns toward Texas, 
Louisiana coastline (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9389157/

As Rita closes in, levee repair intensifies...New Orleans evacuates; new 
questions about reliability of flood protection (AP) 

Katrina's cost may test harmony within GOP...Congressmen question plan - or 
lack of one - to pay for recovery (The Washington Post) 

Fournier: Hurricane Katrina and the bungled government response have weakened 
President Bush, raising questions among Americans about his Iraq and Gulf Coast 
spending plans and spreading fears among fellow Republicans that his troubles 
could be contagious. 

Indiana Congressman Mike Pence is leading a call for cuts in the federal budget 
that would match the spending for hurricane relief. "Operation Offset" is the 
name of the effort. (WISH-TV) 

Dickerson: Pity the Poor Fiscal Conservative...Because no one else cares if the 
government busts the budget for Katrina relief. 

Roadside bombs target U.S. convoys in Iraq...2 GIs hurt day after 9 American 
deaths; row over U.K. jail break persists (AP) 

The Department of Defense forbade a military intelligence officer to testify 
Wednesday about the work of a secret military unit that identified four 9/11 
hijackers more than a year before the Sept. 11 terrorists attacks, according to 
the man's attorney. (AP) http://www.breitbart.com/news/na/D8COLIVG0.html

The senior Democrat on the Judiciary Committee announced Wednesday he will vote 
to confirm John Roberts for chief justice of the United States after leading 
lawmakers met with President Bush to discuss candidates for the other high 
court vacancy. (AP) 

Top Democrat says he will vote against Roberts...Reid also sets conditions for 
filibuster of Bush's next Supreme Court pick (MSNBC) 

Curry: Which Democrats will vote 'yes' on Roberts?...Keeping an eye on Clinton, 
Bayh and other presidential contenders http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9401768/

More Curry: Justice Stevens is key to high court's future...It's not Sandra Day 
O'Connor's retirement that could threaten Roe v. Wade 

Sheehan slightly hurt when cops halt NYC rally...Police break up rally while 
Sheehan is speaking, arrest organizer http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9409111/
Tancredo, Bush Foe on Immigration, Poised as Republican Spoiler (Bloomberg) 

Mark Murray: Democrats hope to raise Kaine in Virginia...Can party finally win 
a gubernatorial race in the South? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9410315/

Sen. Frist sells HCA stock; then price falls...Aide says he couldn't control 
timing; move may temper conflict-of-interest concerns (Nashville Tennessean) 

England pleads not guilty to prisoner abuse charges...Army private plans to 
claim mental defects as a defense (Houston Chronicle) 


Terry: Poverty: All in the Family 

Pat: Declare war on 'radical Islam'? 

Bozell: Bill Clinton's Round of Shoeshines and Back Rubs 

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani: We Need American Troops...Thank you for 
liberating my country. Please don't leave before the job is done. 

Hitch: 'Galloway is a hot, blustering bully - but I'm staying on his case until 
the very end' 

Ridgeway: Blowback From Katrina...Bush tries a P.R. approach. Basic problems of 
health care, jobs, housing remain 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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