            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball Airs Live at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT & 9 pm ET/6 pm PT from Sequoia Restaurant on the 
Georgetown waterfront 3000 K St., NW

Tonight we're doing something special and we'd like you to join us, those of you in 
the greater DC area.  We're broadcasting live from Sequoia restaurant at 3000 K St., 
NW on the Georgetown waterfront.  Locals know where I'm talking about.  We invite all 
to come, watch the show, meet Chris and have some fun.  We'll have a limited number of 
Hardball hats which we'll hand out on a first come, first served basis. We'll also 
have some cool T-Shirts as well. (But only if you stay for the 9 pm show!) And if you 
have a cool Hardball sign we might even put you on TV.  We're broadcasting live at 7 
pm ET & 9 pm ET.  On the West Coast that's 4 pm PT & 6 pm PT...We'll be discussing the 
latest terrorist threat, this new National Intelligence Director position and what it 
all means the race for the White House.  We'll talk to a White House advisor on 
Homeland Security as well as top political analysts types like Chuck Todd of The 
Hotline, Andrea Mitchell of NBC News and Pat Buchanan, who certainly needs no 
introduction...We'll also talk to our NBC News White House guy David Gregory...  

In the 9 pm ET hour we'll chat with Boston Globe columnist Thomas Oliphant who slammed 
Kerry's speech as "a blizzard of hard-to-follow verbiage" 

And oh yeah we'll run the Ron Reagan/P. Diddy package will run tonight as well...

We'll have few surprises in there as well so tune in or better yet, show up!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush backs new intelligence czar...President takes first steps in revamping nation's 
security (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5575678/

U.S. warns of 'specific' terror threat...The federal government has raised the threat 
level for financial companies in Washington, D.C., New York City and northern New 
Jersey, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Sunday. 

Officials believe there are sufficient safety mechanisms to ensure that any terrorist 
attack on the U.S. financial system can be weathered in much the same way the system 
handles hurricanes and other disruptions. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5577724/

The fresh intelligence that led to yesterday's extraordinary terror alert comes from 
documents discovered after Pakistani and U.S. forces broke up an al Qaeda cell in 
Gujrat, Pakistan, eight days ago, U.S. intelligence officials said yesterday. (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5575842/

Blasts target churches in Iraq...A series of bombings shook Baghdad and Mosul on 
Sunday, including coordinated explosions outside churches, the first attacks targeting 
the Iraq's Christian minority during the insurgency to oust U.S.-led forces.

John Kerry either gained a slight bump in his standing with voters or didn't move at 
all following the Democratic National Convention, according to polls taken after he 
accepted the party's nomination for president. (AP) 

Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said Monday that President Bush has 
responded too slowly to the terrorist threat three years after the Sept. 11 attacks 
and has adopted policies that have encouraged terrorism. (AP) 

Democrats John Kerry and John Edwards on Monday released a book-length blueprint for 
their White House campaign, including plans to fight terrorism and improve homeland 
security as officials warn of an attack against major financial institutions. (AP) 

John Kerry is talking more openly about his personal connection to God and guns as he 
kicks off the general election campaign asking for support from conservative-leaning 
independent voters. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040802/D8473B400.html

Undecided voters few, finicky...President Bush and Sen. John Kerry are competing for 
the support of a relatively few undecided voters, many of whom are preoccupied with 
work and family. (The Washington Times) 

Afghan reconstruction faces 'increasing threat'...The United States lacks the security 
forces in Afghanistan to match an "increasing threat" from terrorist insurgents 
killing civilian workers, and the State Department is not adequately staffing the 
embassy in the capital of Kabul, says an internal Bush administration memorandum. (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040802-123610-9057r.htm


Corn: Kerry Does His Duty...Kerry redefines Vietnam and positions himself well for the 
battle ahead. http://www.thenation.com/capitalgames/index.mhtml?bid=3&pid=1651

Terry: In his speech to the Democratic National Convention, former President Bill 
Clinton postured as the unhappiest millionaire. 

Pat: The Fraud At Fleet Center http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=39748

Barnicle: Gotta give it to Edwards - people listen...Cheney's relatively unappealing. 

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