            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

Tonight we got two political heavyweights: Kerry spokesman Wesley Clark and former 
Republican Senate leader Bob Dole...We'll do Iraq and the race for the White House 
with these guys of course...

We'll then round out the show with an old fashioned political buzz type segment with 
Pat and Dem strategist Tony Coehlo...We're gonna zero in, along with Shuster's 
package, on the difference between Bush & Kerry's position on Iraq...We're trying to 
figure it out...We watched Kerry's big foreign policy speech in Seattle today and were 
none the wiser...

Pls join our show in the quest for the Truth...

Terry Holt stands by comments made on Hardball: "How is pointing out that John Kerry 
took a camera to Vietnam questioning John Kerry's patriotism?" said Mr. Holt in an 
interview yesterday. "To point out he took a camera to Vietnam and took some good 
pictures is a simple statement of fact, and I thought he was proud of those photos - 
they appear in every one of his political ads." 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

I'm not really feeling the love from the links today but here you go...

U.S. halts offensive operations in Najaf...Governing Council pushes peace agreement 
between U.S., militia (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5057770/

President Bush will try to solidify his support in a Southern state where his 
Democratic rival is showing strength with a visit and a discussion of his ideas for 
high-tech innovation in the health care field. (AP) 

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says the United States must be "strong 
without being stubborn" to defeat the terrorist threat. And he charged that President 
Bush has undermined American leadership by turning to force before he exhausted 
diplomacy in Iraq. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5076182/

John Kerry has erased President Bush's lead in the swing state of Pennsylvania, 
according to a poll that found growing opposition to the war in Iraq. (AP) 

Bowing to pressure, John Kerry decided Wednesday to accept the nomination at the 
Democratic presidential convention in July, scuttling a plan to delay the formality so 
he could narrow President Bush's public money advantage. (AP) 

Fineman: Kerry puts Edwards through veep paces...N.C. senator gets the closest look 

Sammon: Bush campaign takes aim at Kerry...President Bush's political strategists have 
concluded that the way to battle back from record low job-approval ratings and months 
of bad news from Iraq is to talk about Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John 
Kerry. http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040527-122525-9076r.htm

High security planned for Mall...WWII Memorial events under no specific threat, 
officials say (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5071125/ 

'N.Y. Times' criticized for quiet mea culpa...For the second time in a year, the 
nation's so-called paper of record, The New York Times, has admitted that the record 
was flawed. (USA Today) 

In a capital full of monuments, Senate Republicans have added another: a wall at their 
fund-raising headquarters with the names of thousands of donors of $300 or more. (AP) 

U.S. indicts U.K. cleric on 11 terrorism charges...Al-Masri allegedly sought to set up 
terror training camp in Oregon (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5071534/

Former Gov. Don Siegelman and two others were indicted in a bid-rigging scheme 
involving a maternity-care program, federal prosecutors announced Thursday. (AP) 

Survey finds Porsche owners have most affairs...Almost 50 percent said to cheat on 
their partners (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5067318/


The Washington Times: Kerry's double standard...With his decision yesterday to accept 
the Democratic presidential nomination at the July convention after all, John Kerry 
got himself out of an embarrassing predicament. Still, he seems to believe that the 
rules that apply to other people should not apply to him. 

Will: Politics and Prose in Iraq 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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