            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, abortion and healthcare reform.

At late day remarks, President Obama makes clear that he wants Congress to move 
on healthcare reform. Can he get what he wants? We'll ask Washington Post's 
Chris Cillizza and NBC's Kelly O'Donnell for the answers on this hot topic.

For more on the struggle for healthcare reform, go to: 

Next up, frugal South Carolina Governor? Not so much.

Mark Sanford's standing as a social conservative may not be the only aspect of 
his career that is tarnished. Analysis of Mark Sanford's travel arrangements 
over the years indicate that he liked to travel in style on taxpayer money 
contrary to his reputation as a tightfisted fiscal conservative. While 
criticizing throughout his career travel expenses, Sanford enjoyed first class 
and business class as governor. We'll have The State;s John O'Connor and 
Politico's Andy Barr to analyze Sanford's travel spending.

For more on Sanford's lack of frugal traveling, go to: 

Plus, the Sotomayor grade!

Yesterday, the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor 
concluded. How'd she do? Former Assistant Council to President Clinton and the 
person who shepherded Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to the bench Cliff 
Sloan and Former Senator John Danforth who shepherded Clarence Thomas join us 
to reflect on Sotomayor's performance for the week.

For more on the hearings, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Chief Political Columnist Roger Simon 
and Vote Latino and MSNBC Contributor Maria Teresa Kumar will join us to find 
out whatever happened to the "Card Check", Obama's race for healthcare reform, 
and the rest of the day's political events.

For an update on "Card Check", go to: 


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