            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight - it's Day 49.

The good news is that BP now says it "soon" hopes to be able to siphon off 
20,000 barrels of oil a day. The bad news is that the actual amount of oil 
leaking out may be well above the government and BP's estimates. The Obama 
Administration announced today that BP will be paying billions in penalties, 
and also claims by those who have been put out of work by the disaster. 
Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot and Executive Director of the Santa 
Rosa Island Authority Buck Lee will give us a report from the ground.

Plus, forget whether this could be Obama's Katrina. This is Dick Cheney's 
Katrina. After years of lax regulations and cozy relationships with government 
inspectors, the recipe for disaster can be traced all the way back to the Bush 
years. Mark Halperin of Time Magazine, and Richard Wolffe will have the latest 
on what this means for the White House and the nation.  

It's primary palooza tomorrow. Eleven states will go to the polls, including 
hotly contested races in Nevada, Arkansas, South Carolina and California. The 
results could also determine just how much the Tea Party helps or hurts the 
GOP. In California, Republicans will choose a candidate to go up against 
Barbara Boxer, and Jerry Brown is running for re-election as Governor. In 
Arkansas, two Democrats face each other in a Senate run-off. A sex scandal has 
become the big story surrounding the leading Republican gubernatorial candidate 
in South Carolina. Amy Walter, Editor-in-Chief of The Hotline, and Peter 
Beinart, The Daily Beast contributor and author of "The Icarus Syndrome: A 
History of American Hubris", will give us a preview of which elections to 
watch. We'll also be talking to former Nevada GOP State Chair and Senatorial 
candidate Sue Lowden about the Nevada Primary, and find out how she'd beat 
Harry Reid.

Plus, would Sir Elton John play at Rush Limbaugh's wedding, even for a million 
bucks? Yes! Catch Sir Elton and El Rushbro in the Sideshow. 

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