            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Mike Barnicle in for Chris Matthews, what do we do now?

Last night, the President gave his big health care speech before a joint 
session of Congress. Has the President rallied his party to reform? What needs 
to be done now in order for health care reform to pass? We'll play Hardball 
with Finance Committee member Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Senator Bob 
Corker (R-TN) and ask where health care reform is going and what they think 
about Congressman Joe Wilson's (R-SC) heckling last night.

For more, go to: 

Next, the politics of "you lie!"

During last night's Presidential address to Congress, Congressman Joe Wilson 
(R-SC) heckled the President and interrupted him. Since then, Congressman 
Wilson's comments have become a rallying cry on both sides of the health care 
debate. Did Wilson's heckling overwhelm the President's message? Or is it going 
to unify the Democrats and hurt the Republicans? We'll talk to radio talk show 
host Cynthia Hardy and Air America's Ron Reagan on how much yelling "you lie" 
could cost.

For more, go to: 

Plus, the South Carolina spectacle!

The spotlight on South Carolina continues as Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) is 
under siege as lawmakers push for him to resign and Congressman Joe Wilson's 
(R-SC) heckling puts him on the national stage. We'll discuss South Carolina 
politics with The State's John O'Connor.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/32778906#32778906

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Roger Simon and Washington Post's Ceci 
Connolly will join us to analyze the President's speech last night, Joe 
Wilson's heckling, and the rest of the day's political news. 

For more, go to: 

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