            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hey Hardballers,
The briefing is a little late tonight because your briefer is getting ready for 
the FIRST IN THE NATION debate, Thursday, April 26.  Watch MSNBC ALL DAY and be 
part of political history only on MSNBC!

We begin with the investigation of Karl Rove 
  Then tonight on Hardball we focus on Iraq and the fight over the Iraq 
spending bill.  

Today in Washington, the war of words got hotter over the Iraq War and how to 
fund it.  Senate majority leader Harry Reid says the president is in a state of 
denial about Iraq.  Vice President Dick Cheney says Reid's war criticism is 
cynical political maneuvering.  See this New York Times article for more on the 
 On top of this, today Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman's family members testified 
on the Hill about their dissatisfaction with how their stories were portrayed 
by the Bush administration.  We'll get to it all with Rajiv Chandrasekaran, 
former Baghdad bureau chief for the "Washington Post" and author of "Imperial 
Life in the Emerald City."  And Paul Rieckhoff, who served in Iraq with the 
Army National Guard and is now the executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan 
Veterans of America.  For more on his organization, link to IAVA.ORG.

Then we'll preview MSNBC's coverage of the upcoming Democratic Debate with the 
MSNBC.com's political director Lauren Vicary.   Check out the MSNBC.com 
politics web site for more on the candidates and the upcoming debate 
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032553/. Plus, what do the candidates need to say 
to win Thursday night?  We'll hash that out with Tony Blankley of the 
Washington Times, Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun Times and Clarence Page of the 
Chicago Tribune.

And continuing on our pre-debate coverage, we'll talk to historian Robert 
Dallek, about the significant role these debates play in American politics.   
Dallek has a new book out called "Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power."

Connie Patsalos compiled the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.

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