            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight: winners and losers. 

So who's feeling good tonight after yesterday's voting? Blanche Lincoln, who 
beat an attack from the left, and was endorsed by Bill Clinton, or how about 
Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who will now be running against Tea Party 
extremist Sharron Angle in November. Sarah Palin must be happy too, with 3 out 
of the 4 candidates she endorsed winning last night. Who's not feeling so good? 
The unions and progressives who targeted Lincoln, and the Nevada GOP, who may 
have given Harry Reid the only lifeline he has left. John Harris, 
Editor-in-Chief of Politico, and John Heilmann, New York Magazine and author of 
"Game Change", will help us take stock of last night's results. 

Last night's other top story is all the women who won! Meg Whitman, Carly 
Fiorina, Sharon Angle, Nikki Haley ... plus Lincoln. The question is: Can they 
win in the fall. We'll talk to Joan Walsh of Salon, and MSNBC Political Analyst 
Michelle Bernard about the yesterday's surge of girl power in politics. 

Next, How much oil is really leaking? BP says it's capturing 15,000 of barrels 
of oil a day, but we still don't have a read on how much is actually going into 
the gulf.  Is it possible BP just doesn't want to know and doesn't want us to 
know? We'll first talk to John Hofmeister, former President and CEO of Shell 
Oil, and then go to Michael Papantonio, a lawyer representing families in 
lawsuits against BP, about what's going on in Florida. 

Plus, Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capeheart will talk to us about why 
President Obama can't show anger.

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