            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Iranian Ire.  

Some GOP critics of the President charge that he has not been forceful enough 
in supporting the Iranian protestors and calling for fair elections, while 
defenders claim that he striking the right diplomatic tone. Who will be on the 
right side of history?  We'll have Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) and Rep. Mike 
Coffman (R-CO) here to discuss. 

For more on the Iranian election, go to:

Next up - A Political Prescription. As the debate rages on between public 
option supporters and detractors, concern is growing over the price tag and the 
President's ability to push healthcare legislation through Congress. NBC News 
Chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd and Washington Post columnist Eugene 
Robinson will be here to analyze the politics of this volatile debate. 

For more on healthcare, go to:

Plus - It didn't stay in Vegas. New polls show that Senator John Ensign (R-NV), 
who recently admitted to having an extramarital affair, may be headed for 
trouble. Will this incident prove fatal to the Senator's future political 
ambitions? We'll ask the WashingtonPost.com's Chris Cillizza, who broke the 
original story, and Lisa Mascaro, Washington Correspondent for The Las Vegas 
Sun, to talk about the fallout.

For more on Senator Ensign, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) recently extended 
a helping hand to a fellow New Englander who may be in trouble in 2010. We'll 
discuss thing, along with the escalating situation in Iran with Salon's Joan 
Walsh and Jeanne Cummings, the Assistant Managing Editor of Politico.

For more on Senator Kennedy, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball sideshow tonight! See which Florida 
Senatorial candidate is calling for Second Amendment rights for the Iranian 

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