            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight 7p, 11p & 4a ET and 4p, 8p & 1a PT

The Hardball 7th Anniversary juggernaut steamrolls through Cleveland tonight for a one 
on one exclusive interview with Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry at the 
Slovenian National Home where Kerry continues his "Jobs First Bus Tour" in key 
midwestern battleground states...We'll do most of the show with Kerry and then get 
some political reax from reporters and also bring you up to speed on the U.S. assault 
on Fallujah...If you're near a TV flip on MSNBC for the latest...For those who don't 
have a TV nearby, msnbc.com has posted a 5 minute video clip for your benefit 

"I can hear more than 10 explosions a minute. Fires are lighting the night sky," one 
witness told Reuters. "The earth is shaking under my feet." 

Btw, Officials with the Marine 1st Division our telling NBC's Kevin Sites that the 
attack was prompted by a sizable insurgent force attacking Marine position...The 
AC-130 gunship pounding was a respondent measure...

The Marines also just released this press statement: 


Press Release 04-027                                                    

Marines prepare for joint patrols with ICDC, Fight off night attack 

Marines and members of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps began rehearsal for joint 
patrols, which will soon begin in Fallujah.

ICDC, Iraqi Police Service and Marines will team up to patrol the streets of Fallujah. 
 This is a deliberate step toward returning control of the city to Iraqi authorities.  

The patrol rehearsals began yesterday outside of Fallujah, with ICDC personnel and 
Marines practicing the integration of their forces, communications procedures and 
reactions to ambushes. Marines are committed to assisting authorities in Fallujah 
establish an effective presence.  

In Gharma today, Marines and Navy Seabees surveyed the ground for a project to convert 
an old military compound into a medical clinic.  Marines and Seabees also met with 
local sheiks to gain their input for the plan. 

Marine Defenses Attacked During the Night

Anti-Iraq forces attacked Marines in defensive positions in Fallujah shortly after 10 
p.m. tonight, again violating the current cease-fire.  Marines responded by directing 
precision weaponry against the enemy forces in order to defend themselves.


We'll bring you up to speed at 7p ET with the latest...With the breaking news we may 
have to shift things around a bit but definitely count on Kerry and the latest from 
Fallujah...Plus, maybe a little somethin' somethin' on the Pennsylvania primary...

Hardball 7th Anniversary homepage (updated with Bandar video from last night...scroll 
down) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4759855/

Thursday we'll discuss Iraq with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Fun Clinton News: Bill Clinton Memoir Set for June Publication...First Printing of 'My 
Life' To Be 1.5 Million Copies (The Washington Post) 
Curry: Cheney's day before Supreme Court...Sierra Club, Judicial Watch eye energy task 
force http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4830129/

President Bush's approval ratings have climbed during April despite growing 
instability in Iraq and the deadliest month for U.S. forces there since the invasion 
last year.(AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4838461/

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told voters from Ohio's rust belt on 
Tuesday that President Bush's record on job creation should be described as "mission 
not accomplished." (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040427/D827AQN00.html

John Kerry, a decorated Navy veteran criticized by Republicans for his anti-war 
activities during the Vietnam era, lashed out at President Bush on for failing to 
prove whether he fulfilled his commitment to the National Guard during the same 
period. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4836412/

The White House said Tuesday it expects that President Bush rather than Vice President 
Dick Cheney will handle most of the questions when they appear jointly Thursday before 
the commission investigating the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. (AP) 

At the administration's request, Thursday's unprecedented questioning of a president 
and vice president at the White House will not be recorded and a transcript will not 
be made. (Reuters) 

Congressional oversight of intelligence criticized...Reports on Iraqi arms, al Qaeda 
threat receive little attention (The Washington Post) 

More troops suffering severe head wounds...Injuries prove devastating for doctors, too 
(The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4839405/

Last Spanish combat troops leave Iraq...Logistics crews will pull out by May 27 
(MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4845463/

The Pentagon's rush to modernize the military boosted quarterly financial results for 
U.S. defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin Corp. and Rockwell Collins Inc. , the 
companies said on Tuesday. (Reuters) 

Milbank: In Minn., Bush Takes a Cue From Clinton...Bite-Size Proposals on Internet 
Access, Fuel Cells and Medical Records Highlighted 

Ex-Iraq hostages billed $21,000...The three Japanese who were held hostage in Iraq -- 
and  returned home last week amid a storm of criticism -- have been billed $21,000 for 
the cost of transportingthem back to Japan. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4843265/

Penn. Republicans vote in key Senate race...Specter faces challenge from conservative 
in primary (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4836654/

International Red Cross officials visited Saddam Hussein at a secret prison in Iraq on 
Tuesday, the eve of his 67th birthday, officials said.(Reuters) 


Miniter: Defensive Diplomacy...How Donald Rumsfeld brings people together. 

Oliphant: I watched Kerry throw his war decorations 

David Campbell: Dad ... what's a terrorist? 

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