            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

We're 28 days away from the June 30th handover of power in Iraq and us "New World 
Order" observers are anxiously waiting to see how it's all gonna shake out...It's one 
of the big questions we're examining tonight...Plus President Bush is giving a big 
speech on the war on terrorism, Iraq and freedom at the U.S. Air Force Academy in 
Colorado Springs, CO...I've got a couple of backgrounder pieces below...Bush is 
expected to compare the war on terror and the spreading of Democracy in the Middle 
East to WWII....Plus, more from Chalabi files (aka Our Man in Baghdad) Friend or Foe? 
(Watch for Chris to be fired up on this as he was last night)

We bring out the big guns of NBC News & The Washington Post to bring you the major 
headlines from the speech, some hot "sots" (sound on tape) and the best Beltway 
analysis anywhere on primetime cable TV...Gregory from The White House, Engel from 
Baghdad, Dana Priest & Robin Wright (our two Wash Post foreign policy/intelligence hot 
shots) from the DC set...Dana tracked a package this morning at our studio on troop 
levels in Iraq which should provide a nice little editorial morsel to nosh on ...

Thomas Friedman stops by to promote his latest documentary on outsourcing jobs to 
India and Shuster rounds out the show with the latest from the presidential campaign 
trail and promises Briefing readers that they "won't want to miss" the video he's 
using in his package tonight...

Must Read Matthews News:

Gail Shister: Matthews' 'Hardball' on MSNBC strikes out CNN rival 

And yes folks, the rumors are true...We did have a little party across the street at 
the Holiday Inn rooftop near the pool to celebrate our second consecutive month 
beating CNN at 7 pm ET in household ratings...Our interns made a homemade banner 
proclaiming "Hardball Beats CNN" and hung it on the rooftop fence for the world to 
see...We wore cool T-shirts that said "Hardball Beats CNN" and ate a cake that said, 
what else? "Hardball Beats CNN"...Chris wore some sporty sunglasses and waxed 
philosophical on the show and its future...We've got pics floating around somewhere..

Snacks consisted of fried something or another (some said it was mushrooms but I 
tasted something fruity, very yummy nonetheless), chicken tenders, meatballs in a 
marinara sauce, cold vegetable platter, a cheese platter, a bowl full of punch and a 
plate of cookies...

More on our victory: Ratings momentum for 'Hardball'..."Hardball" draws more viewers 
Than "Anderson Cooper 360" for the second consecutive month 

As promised, from Hardball Briefing subscriber and Hobart and William Smith Colleges 
communications chief Susan Murad

All, - fyi...Commencement address to be aired on C-SPAN 1. The address by Hobart and 
William Smith Commencement speaker Chris Matthews of MSNBC's "Hardball" will air on 
C-SPAN 1 at 8 p.m. eastern time on Saturday, June 12. (Rochester Cable channel 44).  
As Dominic would say, "Bring out the T.V. trays and pop the popcorn - it's must-see 
T.V.!" Susan

No, I didn't add that last line...That was all Susan...Thanks for the heads up...

Meet Cable News' youngest watchdog...Brian Stelter's Got it Goin' On: Writing beyond 
his years...Media critic, 18, praised by industry 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Top this Craig Crawford! Zinni for vice president? Some Washington insiders applaud 
idea of Kerry picking retired Marine general (Curry) 

Wanna See Briefing subscriber/Sr. Political Analyst for UPI Peter Roff on 
C-Span...Click here and scroll down for his name

Bush to cite WWII in speech on Iraq, rest of Mideast...Air Force address comes after 
president endorses surprise Iraqi government (MSNBC) 

"He'll say we're fighting the broader war on terror throughout the world, but much 
like in World War II, when Europe became the critical front in that war, the greater 
Middle East is the critical front in the war on terror," (Reuters) 

The Army will prevent soldiers in units set to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from 
leaving the service at the end of their terms, a top general said Wednesday.  (AP) 

Iraqis urged to accept government...A special U.N. envoy urged Iraqis on Wednesday to 
accept the new interim government and to work toward national elections -- the next 
major step in the country's advance toward democratic government.

Resolution calls for forces to leave by 2006...U.S., Britain circulate new draft at 
U.N. Security Council (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5114698/

White House hopeful on Iraq...With the introduction of both a new Iraqi government and 
a new U.N. draft resolution, the Bush administration senses the beginning of the end 
to its controversial and costly intervention in Iraq. But the relief visible at the 
White House on Tuesday  may be short-lived, for the United States still faces serious 
obstacles. (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5114731/

The FBI is investigating an intercepted Iranian message that alleges Iraqi exile 
leader Ahmed Chalabi told Tehran officials that the United States had broken Iran's 
secret code, U.S. officials said. (The Washington Post) 

Wash Post Analysis: Management style may have hurt Bush...Prison scandal points up 
problems with delegating http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5114741/

Americans attacked in Riyadh...Violence erupted in the Saudi capital and in the 
western part of the terror-plagued kingdom Wednesday, with Americans fired on in 
Riyadh and police killing two wanted militants in Taif. 

Petra Cahill: Veterans dismiss comparisons with Iraq...GIs from Normandy invasion note 
difference draft made to military http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5059864/

Fineman: Clinton poised to claim spotlight...What will ex-president do for - and to - 
Kerry? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5120549/

Stellar support...Former president and Senator Clinton set to play major roles at 
Democratic gathering (The Boston Globe) 

Clinton filmographer says documentary 'sticks to the facts'...A film that claims to 
expose "the 10-year campaign to destroy Bill Clinton" is scheduled for its first 
public screening June 15 in Little Rock. (AP) 

Bush culls presidential memos for campaign tips...A strategist combs through the 
troves of memos and personal papers to pick out what worked and what didn't for 
Republican incumbents in elections of the past. (St. Petersburg Times) 

President Bush likened his Democratic rival John Kerry to the quickly changing weather 
in Colorado, telling supporters at a Republican Party fund-raiser Tuesday night that 
his opponent stands on all sides of all issues (AP) 

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Wednesday that in spite of deadly 
anthrax attacks and warnings of further biological assaults on the United States, 
significant gaps remain in the nation's preparations for bioterrorism. (AP) 

Vice President Dick Cheney, echoing his boss' defense of the Patriot Act, on Tuesday 
criticized Democrat John Kerry for expressing doubts about the anti-terrorism law. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040602/D82UHO200.html

Wartime presidents have always been the target of criticism from their political 
opponents, especially in election years. But many observers say the level of invective 
lobbed at President Bush has escalated to a new and dangerous level. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040602-010024-1688r.htm

Nineteen months after losing to Bill Janklow for South Dakota's lone congressional 
seat, Democrat Stephanie Herseth replaced him Tuesday with a narrow win in a special 
election. (Argus Leader) http://www.argusleader.com/news/Wednesdayfeature.shtml

Lobbying hit an all-time high in Washington last year, reaching nearly $2 billion 
after intensive efforts to change lawmakers' minds on Medicare prescription drug 
coverage and other high-stakes issues, a review released Tuesday shows. (MSNBC) 

25 Years in the White House...Pastry Chef Roland Mesnier Says Goodbye to First-Family 
Suppers, State Dinners and Barbecues for 1,200 (The Washington Post) 

Spice-Crusted Chicken Breasts With Raita 


Pat: About George W. Bush, Americans seem to have made up their minds, and enough seem 
prepared to replace him that this election will be about John Kerry. And the forum 
where the nation takes the measure of Kerry will be the presidential debates. 

Joshua Micah Marshall: Kerry Faces the World...What would a John Kerry foreign policy 
look like? In some ways a lot like one the current President's father could endorse 

Terry: The Loan-To-Clone-To-Kill Initiative 

Barnicle: A soldier's story...When twin towers fell, Michael Esposito reenlisted to 
offer his life for freedom 

Dan Gross: The Prius and the Olive Tree...Why are conservatives supporting higher gas 
taxes? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5080298/

Mondo Washington: The Second Coming...McCain as Kerry's no. 2? Don't be shocked if 
Bush tries to snatch him. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0422/mondo1.php

Dionne: Iraq and the Conservative Crackup 

Ben Stein: Political Hay Happy Bush Country 

Corn: How Bold Should Kerry Go?...Does Kerry need a sharper message? Or is being not 
Bush good enough? http://www.thenation.com/capitalgames/index.mhtml?bid=3&pid=1465

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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