            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your TV 
http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Tonight Hardball focuses in on a key political demographic: Catholics...According to 
the experts their vote has determined every presidential winner since
1972...Whether you're one of those "cafeteria" Catholics like me or not a Catholic at 
all, you'll still enjoy and benefit from watching tonight's
show...Many of the issues you'll be down with I'm sure...Bill Donahue, of The Catholic 
League joins us as will Monsignor Thomas McSweeney from the diocese of Erie, PA..

We'll also throw down some serious politics with Dee Dee and Dreier...Yesterday we 
showed you the 5 red state tracking polls showing Bush up 
(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6289208/).  Tonight we bring you the 5 blue 
states...They're embargoed until 6:30 pm ET (which is a fancy way of saying that in 
our infinite wisdom we've decided you're not allowed to see them until 6:30) but I've 
gotten an advance peek at them and you'll not want to miss their contents...It's gonna 
be a long election night for sure...Also, our sister network, Telemundo, scored an 
exclusive interview today with President Bush.  We'll roll a clip or two...Plus, what 
impact will the celebrity star power of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton have on 
this election cycle?

And now, a little aperitif from Shuster's Corner...

"Tonight we take another look at the money being spent in this campaign.  The Bush and 
Kerry camps each have about 20 million dollars left to spend on advertising and 
campaign rallies.  But, separate "get out the vote" organizations are in the midst of 
spending about $350 million dollars on everything from door to door drives, e-mails, 
phone banks, and even food for canvassers.  This is the most expensive and hard fought 
voter drive "ground war" in political history.  The most powerful group on the left is 
America Coming Together.  The U-S Chamber of Commerce seems to be ACT's counterpart on 
the right.  A look at the numbers and the strategies tonight on hardball...Also, 
special thanks to the more than 6, 700 people who have written me e-mails  over the 
last six weeks via "hardblogger." (http://hardblogger.msnbc.com)  I read and respond 
to as many as I can... and I've been intrigued by your feedback, comments, ideas, 
story suggestions, and even news tips."

We round out the show with noted writer Fran Lebowitz on the state of religion, 
politics and the Bush administration...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited the Briefing from inside the Beltway... GO 

President Bush opened a slight one-point lead on Democratic rival John Kerry in a 
tight race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Thursday.

Kerry hunts for Ohio votes, Bush revisits Pennsylvania...Democrat eyes 'guy' factor, 
president eyes his most visited state (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6296699/

President Bush and Sen. John Kerry are locked in a tie for the popular vote, according 
to an Associated Press poll. Voters seem open to change in the White House - most 
disapprove of the president's performance at home and in Iraq - but still harbor 
doubts about making the switch. (AP) 

President Bush has opened a lead over Democratic challenger John Kerry in battleground 
Nevada, according to a statewide poll released Thursday (AP)

[President Bush], who has dubbed his Crawford, Texas, ranch the "Western White House," 
makes his 40th and 41st trips to Pennsylvania when he visits Downingtown and Hershey 
on Thursday and Wilkes-Barre on Friday 

President Bush and John Kerry began October neck and neck in campaign cash, each with 
just under half of the $75 million in government money they received to cover campaign 
costs. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6289409/

Fun Clinton News...

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has set his sights on becoming U.N. 
secretary-general. A Clinton insider and a senior U.N. source have told United Press 
International the 56-year-old former president would like to be named leader of the 
world body when Kofi Annan's term ends early in 2006. (UPI) 

Laura Bush said Thursday that Teresa Heinz Kerry didn't need to apologize for saying 
she couldn't remember whether the first lady had ever had "a real job." (AP) 

Political discourse in America has become so divisive and nasty that it has 
"stalemated" the country and precluded important policy discussions, former
President Gerald Ford told The Denver Post. 

Iraq war plays out in Conn. House race...In Connecticut, where the Iraq war is 
everywhere now, in homes and in bars, in parades and in cemeteries, it
has seeped into politics as well - not only in the presidential race but also in a 
local House race. (The Washington Post)

The Illinois Republican Party left U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes off a campaign 
mailer that touted "Your 2004 Republican Team," but both sides insist the omission was 
not a snub. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041021/D85RRRD02.html

Despite campaign tactics, female vote remains elusive...Most of the undecided voters 
across the nation - 62 percent - are women, and they are
aggressively being courted by both presidential candidates, who have tailored campaign 
messages to increase their take of the crucial voting
bloc. (The Washington Times) 

Kerry Pulls Out the Clinton Card (The Washington Post) 

Jeannette Walls: Dixie Chicks ruffle some feathers...The singing trio was boycotted by 
some conservative fans and by the radio chain Clear Channel
after they criticized George W. Bush - but now they're taking on Sinclair 
Broadcasting. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6291410/


Katrina: You Have the Power...Howard Dean's message is coming through loud and clear. 

Terry: Kerry Was for Global Court (Before He Was Against It) 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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