            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT

Tonight we lead with the controversy over Ted Koppel's decision to read the names of 
American KIA in Iraq on his show and Sinclair Broadcasting Group's decision to have 
some of its ABC stations preempt it


We'll talk to Vanity Fair media guy Michael Wolff and loyal Briefing subscriber John 
Fund about the hoopla

We'll also run a block or two of legendary TV journalist Lesley Stahl on Iraq and the 
rising poll numbers for President Bush...

Did you miss any of our exclusive Rummy interview last night? Have no fear...We'll 
"chunk it"* for you and get reax from Fund and Wash Post columnist Richard Cohen 

Oh and dont' forget! We're gonna re-air the Rummy interview tomorrow at 4 pm ET & 
Sunday at 1 pm ET

Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of the President's "mission accomplished" speech on 
the carrier..

And you thought our 7th Anniversary week festivities were done? Think again...Ron 
Reagan's in the house tonight with another little trick up his sleeve...

Have a great weekend...We'll chat on Monday

* Highly scientific television talk meaning to run clips or "chunks" of the 
interview...I usually think of a "sot" or "sound on tape" as a term typically used for 
bites :45 or less..."Chunk" implies a lengthier "sot"..

Briefing subscriber/Friend of Chris Gerry Rafshoon may be honcho-ing a new Howard Dean 
TV endeavor according to Daily Variety 

PS Briefing friend John Edgell tells us that you guys really stepped up for a good 
cause with the Chris Matthews charity bobblehead...Thanks! 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

President Bush told the September 11 commission yesterday in a closed-door meeting 
that a memo saying Osama bin Laden wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the United 
States did not provide enough intelligence for his administration to stop the attacks 
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  (The Washington Times) 

In a stunning snub, two Democrats on the 9/11 commission yesterday abruptly walked out 
in the middle of the Oval Office interview with President Bush and Vice President Dick 
Cheney. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/19924.htm

Major developments Friday in Iraq (AP) http://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGATX58COTD.html

U.S. casualties for April (AP) 

Marines begin Fallujah pullback....One of three battalions of U.S. Marines had mostly 
departed its positions in an industrial zone in the southern portion of Fallujah, 
witnesses reported Friday, as U.S. commanders met with local representatives to work 
out details of a deal aimed at lifting the month-long siege of the city.

Arab TV shows GIs humiliating Iraqi detainees...Images of prisoner abuse inflammatory 
in Mideast (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4855930/

GI reportedly complained about Iraq abuses...Relative says commander ignored plea for 
rules (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4871554/

President Bush has condemned the apparent mistreatment of some Iraqi prisoners, 
saying, "Their treatment does not reflect the nature of the American people. That's 
not the way we do things in America. I didn't like it one bit." (AP) 

US general suspended over abuse...Abu Ghraib prison was much feared in Saddam 
Hussein's day...A US general has been suspended in Iraq over the alleged abuse of 
prisoners by US troops in jails she ran (BBC News) 

Asked how many American troops have died in Iraq, the Pentagon's No. 2 civilian 
estimated Thursday the total was about 500 - more than 200 soldiers short. (AP) 

'Al-Qaida' denies chemical plot...A purported tape  from al-Qaida operative Abu-Musab 
al-Zarqawi said Friday his group did not plan a chemical weapons attack as the 
Jordanian authorities have alleged, but said the group is targeting Jordan. 

Kerry says Iraq is far from stable...Candidate marks 1-year anniversary of Bush's 
carrier speech (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4871021/

Most Iraq rebuilding funds still unspent...U.S. shifts money to security, 
administrative expenses (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4866459/

Cheney Praises Fox News Channel...Vice President Calls Network 'More Accurate' Than 
Others (The Washington Post) 

The Sinclair Broadcast Group will yank Nightline from its seven ABC stations tonight 
because of a plan to devote the show to reading the names of the hundreds of American 
service members killed in Iraq, which Sinclair says is intended to damage support for 
U.S. actions there. (The Baltimore Sun) 

The CableNewswer guy is ticked off about it 

Fineman: Kerry plans early veep pick...Campaign sources say look for running-mate 
decision by end of May http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4863243/

War of Perceptions...The U.S. military is devising plan to end the siege of Fallujah. 
But will it win on the battleground of Iraqi public opinion? (Newsweek) 

Kerry organization lacking in key states...Sen. John Kerry has yet to establish 
campaign organizations in battleground states that likely will decide who wins the 
presidential race in November, Democratic strategists said yesterday. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040429-113454-8128r.htm

One Wisconsin poll says Bush leads, another says Kerry (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel) 

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, like Sen. John Kerry a Catholic 
who supports abortion rights, said Thursday she will continue to ask for Holy 
Communion in spite of Vatican opposition to pro-choice Catholics doing so. (AP) 

Forget Republicans. The sharpest rebuke of Rep. Jim McDermott's omission of the words 
"under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance has come from the leader of his own party. 
(Seattle Times) 

The Federal Election Commission yesterday said it will not give Rev. Al Sharpton any 
more matching funds for his campaign - and might try to recover the $100,000 he's 
already gotten. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/19925.htm

President Bill Clinton's autobiography, "My Life," isn't due out for two months, but 
preorders already have him rivaling Harry Potter, according to one online retailer. 
(NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/business/19862.htm


Laswell: Swept Away...The Fox network joins Hillary Clinton to play the race card. 

Landfield: Air America Tries to Cut Through the Conservative Static 

Ilana: The ostensible choice before the American people Nov. 2 is between Tweedledumb 
and Tweedledumber - between Kerry and Bush or Bush and Kerry, according to taste. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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