            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

Another action packed edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews tonight folks as we open 
up the show with a couple of Members of Congress who met with Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba 
today to discuss the investigation into the prison abuse scandal...He held a closed 
door meeting with the House Armed Services Committee...The House also got a look at 
more of the classified prison abuse photos...

Then we talk to Newsweek magazine's Mike Isikoff & C. Boyden Gray...Isikoff and 
Newsweek reported on a memo written by White House counsel Alberto Gonzales in Jan. 
'02 urging President Bush to exempt Al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees from the Geneva 
Convention...He'll give us the scoop and Boyden will give us his take on the issue as 
he was White House counsel to Bush '41...

For a special treat we've sent some of our top producers to Cumberland Maryland, 
including David Shuster, to check up once again on the family, friends and community 
of the accused 372nd Military Police unit...We've got a bunch of those folks lined up 
for the back half of show...Plus, tonight Cumberland is hold a candlelight vigil for 
the accused...Shuster will bring us the details...

Pls join us...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S. forces beat three Iraqis working for Reuters and subjected them to sexual and 
religious taunts and humiliation during their detention last January in a military 
camp near Falluja, the three said Tuesday. (Reuters) 

Isikoff: Memos Reveal War Crimes Warnings...Could Bush administration officials be 
prosecuted for 'war crimes' as a result of new measures used in the war on terror? The 
White House's top lawyer thought so 

Taguba Report http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4894001/

The Pentagon plans to stop funding Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi exile it once hoped might 
help lead Iraq but whose intelligence reports and motives were doubted elsewhere in 
Washington, U.S. officials said on Tuesday. (Reuters) 

Four people have been arrested over the beheading of US businessman Nicholas Berg, 
whose killing was shown earlier this month in a video on an Al-Qaeda linked website, a 
senior Iraqi source said. (AFP) 

Bremer: Handover still on track...The U.S. governor of Iraq said Tuesday that the 
handover of power to Iraqis must go ahead as scheduled despite the killing of the head 
of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4899904/

Pessimism grows about Iraq's future...Is the country unmanageable? (The Washington 
Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5000505/

9/11 probe focuses on New York...The 9/11 commission is expected to describe serious 
miscommunication between the New York police and fire departments during two days of 
hearings in Manhattan. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5004042/

The Bush-Cheney campaign has produced more negative TV ads than the campaign of Sen. 
John Kerry and is devoting more of its budget to airing them than Kerry is committing 
to his negative ads, a USA TODAY analysis shows. 

With the retail price of gasoline topping $2 a gallon for the first time, Democratic 
White House hopeful John Kerry on Tuesday chided President Bush for failing to offer 
hard-hit consumers any help. (AP) 

Democrat John Kerry is turning his attention to bedrock economic issues after getting 
a rousing boost from former rival Howard Dean. (AP) 

Bush camp wary on approval...The chief strategist for President Bush's re-election 
campaign yesterday said that if the president's declining approval ratings, which are 
already at record lows, slip an additional seven percentage points, it will be "very 
difficult to win." (The Washington Times) 

Voting with their checkbooks, college professors are breaking overwhelmingly for 
Senator John F. Kerry over President Bush, with the Democratic challenger raising 
nearly three times as much in campaign contributions from college campuses. The 
fund-raising trend contrasts sharply with the 2000 presidential race, when Bush raised 
slightly more money from academia than Al Gore. (The Boston Globe) 

Integration anniversary draws Bush, Kerry...Each sees unmet needs after Brown v. Board 
of Education (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4997775/

Fewer than 25,000 Iraqis are working on projects in the U.S. reconstruction effort, 
tempering expectations that more than $18 billion in American spending would 
jump-start Iraq's economy and trigger a surge in goodwill toward the United States. 
(AP) Fewer than 25,000 Iraqis are working on projects in the U.S. reconstruction 
effort, tempering expectations that more than $18 billion in American spending would 
jump-start Iraq (news - web sites)'s economy and trigger a surge in goodwill toward 
the United States. 

Israel is guilty of war crimes in its destruction of thousands of Palestinian homes in 
the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the human rights group Amnesty International charged in 
a report Tuesday.  (AP) 

Top U.S. bookseller Barnes & Noble Inc. on Tuesday reported a first-quarter profit as 
higher purchases of books related to politics and the Iraq war helped reverse a 
year-ago loss. (Reuters) 

'Fahrenheit 9/11' ignites Cannes audiences...Moore hopes his new film prompts viewers 
to be 'good citizens' (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4997805/

Ralph Nader, the citizen-activist presidential candidate who decries corporate 
influence in America, has a net worth of $3.8 million, according to 
financial-disclosure forms he filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission. 
(Knight Ridder) 

The Rev. Al Sharpton yesterday led a protest at Nielsen Media Research's offices and 
charged the TV ratings company with setting up a phony task force to look at a 
controversial new viewer-measuring system. (NY Post) 

Pope marks birthday with launch of new book...Turning 84, John Paul II releases 'Get 
Up, Let Us Go' (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5003585/

The Reliable Source: Despite an outcry among media types, the State Department 
yesterday offered its full support for controversial press aide Emily J. Miller, who 
shocked both her boss, Colin Powell, and "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert when she 
ordered a cameraman to stop filming an interview with Powell that ran a few minutes 
over schedule Sunday in Jordan. 

Lloyd Grove's lowdown on Alexandra Kerry's dress reax 


Jaroch Blog 

Joanne Kaufman: Necessary Etiquette...Bill Clinton will sign your book, but he won't 
inscribe it. http://www.opinionjournal.com/la/?id=110005093

Dispatches from the Kaus Files: WaPo For Faster Iraq Elections? Plus Sullivan wins 
"Brandini Award" http://slate.msn.com/id/2100374/

Shafer: Defending Graydon Carter...How grievous are his ethical transgressions? 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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