            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Barnicle's in Washington today so I gotta make this short and get right to producing 
the Political Buzz segment which will be "B-1" Bob Dornan and a Lefty TBD...I got a 
call out to Caddell but sometimes he takes a while to get back to me, so Caddell if 
you're out there and reading the Briefing (last I checked his e-mail was broken) call 
me and join the fun tonight...

We'll lead with the arrest of the Adelphia Communications execs and the fight against 
corporate corruption with Stu Taylor and Joe diGenova (I hear he's on fire on this 
one...Maybe he'll bring his cigar...I call him Joey D)...Plus, the fight in the Senate 
over Priscilla Owen's nomination with Gloria Feldt and C. Boyden Gray....In the D 
block we'll ask the question "Can Harvey Pitt over at the SEC credibly investigate 
Dick Cheney? Is it a conflict of interest for him?  He was appointed by a transition 
team headed by Dick Cheney and is now asking for a raise and promotion....What do you 
think?  We'll do the Shuster/Jamison package and then talk to Kudlow and Robert 
Lenzner of Forbes magazine....

Still working out the buzz topics...Probably more polls numbers on Bush plus I'm 
looking for some Clinton sound out of Chicago yesterday...Also, there's an NYT piece 
on Conservative discontent with Ashcroft..

Don't miss the fun folks!

Written, compiled and edited by Dominic Bellone in Washington, DC...For those of you 
with hard copies of the Washington Post, the Briefing got a little shout out on C7, 
the de Moraes column... 

We got a kick out of Johnson's take on Chris' illness: Malaria quiets Chris Matthews - 
for now http://www.usatoday.com/life/columnist/media-mix.htm

>From Imus this morning:

Bernie:  "He was half on his death bed listening
            to some barbarian in a cowboy hat 
            savage him on the radio and TV."

Rick Sanchez:  "It could be caused by stress.  
                    If you were really beating the
                    guy up that badly, which I 
                    recall you were, there is a 
                    possibility that you may have 
                    something to do with it Don."

Imus:  "I might have contributed to Chris being 
          in the hospital, he has malaria what 
          difference does it make what some jerk 
          on the radio says about him."

MSNBC's Rick Sanchez explains to Imus the repercussions of him bashing on Chris 

Three members of the founding family of troubled cable operator Adelphia 
Communications Corp. were arrested on Wednesday as government officials claimed they 
"looted" the company they created over 50 years ago. (Reuters) 

"We had a wonderful lunch" Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's only public comment after 
meeting with Wall Street on Tuesday

Chutzpah award...

Harvey L. Pitt, who barely goes a week without new calls for him to step down as 
chairman of the S.E.C., is asking Congress for a raise and more respect. (NY Times) 

The White House on Wednesday dismissed a request by Securities and Exchange Commission 
Chairman Harvey Pitt for a raise and a higher profile, calling it a "potential 
distraction." (Reuters) 

Fun Clinton news...

Former President Bill Clinton took several swipes here Tuesday at the Bush 
administration for focusing on the war against terrorism at the expense of the 
deepening AIDS epidemic. (Chicago Sun Times) 

The 2000 presidential election case between George W. Bush and Al Gore is an example 
of a hypocritical Supreme Court majority that broadens the rights of states only when 
it serves conservative ends, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said. (AP) 

Is the Torch in danger of being extinguished? The latest exclusive Eyewitness News 
Survey USA Poll of the New Jersey senate race shows a real deadlock between incumbent 
Senator Robert Torricelli and Republican challenger Douglas Forrester. 

President Bush's approval rating has slipped to the mid-60s amid growing nervousness 
about the economy. (AP) 

Americans sour on the economy...Corporate accounting scandals and the plummeting stock 
market have taken a heavy toll on public confidence in the economy, according to 
results of an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday.

A Bid to Regain Economic Initiative...President Bush's economic policy team is 
starting a heightened public relations campaign to highlight the economy's bright 
spots and a push to grab the legislative initiative (The Washington Post) 

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle quietly slipped into a spending bill language 
exempting his home state of South Dakota from environmental regulations and lawsuits, 
in order to allow logging in an effort to prevent forest fires. (The Washington Times) 

Many who pressed President Bush to appoint John Ashcroft attorney general now say they 
have become troubled by his actions in the fight against terrorism. (NY Times) 

Senate rejects prescription drug bills...The Senate scuttled rival bills Tuesday to 
provide Medicare prescription drug coverage in a standoff with implications for the 
fall campaign.

As lawmakers and aides sought agreement in private talks, Democratic sources said the 
lead Senate negotiator, Banking Committee Chairman Paul S. Sarbanes (D-Md.), was 
refusing to make significant changes in the Senate's approach to such central issues 
as disciplining auditors and restricting their ability to serve as consultants to 
companies they audit. (The Washington Post) 

With homeland security in mind, summer camp trains teens...Evacuating buildings, 
putting out fires, and doing CPR. A post-9/11 camp in Bucks teaches how to take the 
lead...(Philadelphia Inquirer) http://www.miami.com/mld/miami/news/nation/3725453.htm

Palestinians Vow Revenge For Gaza Attack...Enraged Palestinians vowed swift and deadly 
revenge Tuesday for an Israeli missile attack that killed 15 people and scuttled a 
proposed accord among Palestinian militants to end suicide bombings. (The Washington 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A51401-2002Jul23.html?referer=email

Soldiers were pressing the search for top Taliban fugitive Mullah Mohammed Omar 
earlier this month when the mission tragically went awry, killing dozens of Afghans 
celebrating a wedding, defense officials said Tuesday.  (AP) 

The incoming head of the Transportation Security Administration has been asked by 
Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta to take a fresh look at whether to allow 
pilots to carry guns (AP) 

House set to vote today on giving Traficant the boot (Cleveland Plain-Dealer) 

The Rev. Al Sharpton came out swinging yesterday at a long-secret FBI tape of him 
discussing a cocaine deal, claiming it presents a "distorted" picture of him that 
another tape refutes. (NY Daily News) 

The Rev. Al Sharpton threatened HBO with a $500 million lawsuit over a "distorted" 
undercover video - that appears to show him discussing a drug deal - the network aired 
last night. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/53276.htm

Hedging your bets is a time-honored form of political wagering, but it may be more 
popular than ever in this year's crowded, continually shifting campaign for governor 
of Massachusetts. (The Boston Globe) 

Gubernatorial race tightens, voter poll finds...Survey: As Townsend loses her big 
early lead over Ehrlich, the undecided 10 percent will be crucial in deciding the 
election. (The Baltimore Sun) 

A leading Democrat criticized President Bush on Tuesday for planning to spend a month 
at his Texas ranch while the stock market plunges and foreign affairs remain volatile. 
"It's clearly the wrong signal," said Maryland Gov. Parris Glendening (USA Today) 

State demands end to 'obscene' e-mails...The State Department has warned Foreign 
Service officers and employees at U.S. diplomatic posts worldwide to stop sending 
"abusive, obscene" e-mails such as those that recently ridiculed members of Congress. 
(The Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/world/20020724-433741.htm

Vice President Dick Cheney took an eight-hour ride aboard a Navy nuclear submarine 
Tuesday during a secret visit to Brevard County, his second stealth trip to the South 
in the past two weeks (Orlando Sentinel) 

With Adoption Push, Bush Adopts a Clinton Tactic (The Washington Post) 

Is Connie Chung CNN's best shot?
CNN is trying to fight Fox News with Connie Chung, and MSNBC is doing battle, too.

In the latest behind-the-scenes drama involving the NBC series "The West Wing," Rob 
Lowe is quitting his role as White House deputy communications director Sam Seaborn. 

Sandra Bernhard's anti-U.S. act....Plus: Brad Pitt as political pawn; Gisele won't be 
an 'Angel'  http://www.msnbc.com/news/784617.asp

NBC to get in on Martha-bashing with movie...On Media: NBC announced yesterday that 
the network is rushing a saga of Martha Stewart's various potboilers, cliffhangers and 
financial travails into a production to be ready by May. (The Washington Times) 


The Wall Street Journal: Political Malpractice...Do Senate Democrats want a 
prescription plan or an issue? 

And now for a hot flash...Want to clear a crowded room? Try starting a discussion 
about menopause, writes Newsweek's Anna Quindlen on who's to blame for hormone therapy.

Kelly: Do Have a Nice Day 

Mondo Washington - by James Ridgeway...Are we headed for martial law?; churches to 
play important role in Bush's Citizen Corps; top execs land safely atop wall street 

Conason: Bush's Tangled Past Is Relevant Today 

Kemp: 'Infectious greed' and other miasmatic diseases

Berlau: Tax Code Trauma http://www.insightmag.com/news/258763.html 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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