            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7, 11 & 4 am ET & 4, 8 & 1a PT

We bring you the latest on the 9/11 Commission hearing on the Hill today which has the 
Beltway all in a tizzy today and will also tomorrow...Rummy, Powell & "Madame 
Secretary" (Albright that is) were the star witnesses...Bill Cohen was in the house as 
well (he said OBL personally wanted him dead, even issued a "fatwah")....We'll talk 
live with a couple Commission members: fmr Senator Bob Kerrey (He's got the second "e" 
in his name, John doesn't) and fmr. WA senator Slade Gorton about what we learned 

More fallout from the release of the Clarke book on 9/11, Iraq, terrorism and the Bush 
administration...We'll talk to Clarke's successor Wayne Downey and Clarke's fmr. 
deputy Roger Cressey at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave....Cressey was one of a handful in the 
Situation Room on September 12, 2001 with Clarke when Bush closed the door and said 
basically "find me any shred of evidence to see if Iraq was behind 9/11" even though 
he was told earlier that Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11...The White House disputes this 
meeting ever taking place...

Clarke book précis (I finally found a way to work that word in the Briefing): 

We'll also talk to Trent Lott and Bill Richardson about the hearings, the Clarke book 
and something about the Dem Veepstakes but I got distracted by a phone call and 
missed the tail end of the interview...

Today is the first anniversary of the capture of 8 U.S. soldiers including Jessica 
Lynch. We'll talk to two of those POW's, former specialist Shoshana Johnson and 
Specialist Patrick Miller who were imprisoned alongside Jessica Lynch...

By the way did you read The Reliable Source today?  In case you missed it...Chris 
Matthews, Not Smarting From Bush's Dumb Brother Joke (The Reliable Source) 

You saw the man behind Shuster's ads last night, now read his hilarious new piece...We 
give you Mortman's latest: How Bush can keep the media in stitches
Tips to keep the laughs flowing at annual dinner http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4575461/

PS we've got the video up on our site of Shuster's ads...Click & scroll 

BTW, if any of you missed it last night, we ran a clip from last Friday's interview 
with Bishop Tutu...Chris & Tutu had some words for Comedy Central's Jon Stewart...

We join last night's show progress....

Last Friday, we ran out of time with Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South 
Africa, but we wanted to show you what you missed.  


        MATTHEWS:  Well, Archbishop Tutu, it seems like you`ve come here and 
it`s created something of a turmoil between myself and one of my friends 
and rivals, Jon Stewart.  He wanted to have you on the show, but I got you 
on the show.  And I want to show him your book.  And thanks to me and my 
good offices, Archbishop Tutu, the Nobel Prize winner, is willing to send 
you a book as well, Jon.  So don`t complain.  Be happy.  

        Archbishop Tutu, do you have a comment for Jon Stewart?

chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission... 


        TUTU:  ... I`ll come between you two guys.  Next time, I`ll come to 
your show, Jon.  

        MATTHEWS:  OK, Well, that`s a good way to handle it.  


        MATTHEWS:  Your turn next, Jon.  

        (END VIDEOTAPE) 
        MATTHEWS:  History in the making.  

End Transcript

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S. OK'd plan to topple Taliban a day before 9-11...Disclosure comes as panel begins 
public hearing

President Bush said Tuesday he would have acted more quickly against al-Qaida if he 
had information before Sept. 11, 2001, that a terror attack against New York City was 
imminent. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040323/D81G972O0.html

Clinton, Bush Chose Diplomacy Prior to 9/11...Administrations Failed to Aggressively 
Pursue Bin Laden (The Washington Post) 

"He was very precise in issuing a personal 'fatwa' against me. I was put on a list, 
there was a price tag, there were several attempts that I don't want to go into 
details about going after me," Cohen told a national commission investigating the 
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America. 

Even if the United States had gone after al Qaeda before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks 
it might not have prevented them from taking place, Secretary of State Colin Powell 
told investigators on Tuesday. (Reuters) 

Starting tomorrow, the most important 9/11 Commission hearings yet will scrutinize 
counterterror efforts of two presidential administrations - but a star witness will 
not be there. (NY Daily News) 

White House targets its former terrorism chief...Rebuts claims, launches attack on his 
credibility (The Boston Globe) 

Richard Clarke's hard-charging style...Style has served him well, but self-promotion 
made him enemies (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4582288/

Kerry gets boost from surprising sources...Ex-Bush aide criticizes president, and GOP 
lawmakers come to senator's defense (The Washington Post) 

Israel to target all Hamas leadership...Army chief also hints Arafat could be next; 
gun battle in Gaza (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4575552/

Bush opponents vow ads until election...Activist groups say their spots not covered by 
campaign law (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4579942/

Bush, Kerry locked in tight, fluid race, poll finds...President strong on security; 
Kerry seen as job creator (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4580606/

The federal government should move quickly to upgrade emergency systems in Amtrak 
tunnels under the U.S. Supreme Court and to New York's Penn Station to avoid a tragedy 
as disastrous as the Sept. 11 attacks, Sen. Joseph Biden said Tuesday. (AP) 

>From a sailing mecca to a ski resort, presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry and 
>his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, enjoy the trappings of their wealth in at least five 
>homes and vacation getaways across the country valued at nearly $33 million. (AP) 

Wonkette's gossip roundup 


Podhoretz: Clarke is the greatest man who has ever strode this planet's surface. I 
know this because I have just read his book, "Against All Enemies." 

Miniter: John F. Who?...Kerry's easy nomination victory may prove to be a curse. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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