            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Our show airs at 7, 11 & 2 am et and 4, 8 & 11 pac

Sorry 'bout yesterday folks...It was one of those days...We had Posner's "Why America 
Slept" book in the Buzz last night so I had to put that segment together...Books are 
always the toughest because you have to read and digest them within a few hours and 
then regurgitate it to Chris in a matter of minutes, thus no Briefing...

Be that as it may, we're gonna kick the show off tonight with several superstars: 
McCain, Mario and Sharpton...We'll do the whole "Bush going to the UN and seeking 
billions from Congress on Iraq"...The Congress, including Republicans, are growing 
increasingly skeptical of the cost and scope of the occupation but the CW 
(conventional wisdom) is that the President will get his budget request...Oh and the 
French and Germans are now publicly opposing our UN draft proposal...

Devastating quote from Bill Kristol in the Post yesterday, Looks like Rummy's on the 
Neocon "boat"..."Rumsfeld lost credibility with the White House because he screwed up 
the postwar planning," said William Kristol, a conservative publisher with close ties 
to the administration. "For five months they let Rumsfeld have his way, and for five 
months Rumsfeld said everything's fine. He wanted to do the postwar with fewer troops 
than a lot of people advised, and it turned out to be a mistake." 

Sharpton will critique last night's debate and why he didn't show up....

Should illegal immigrants in California get driver's licenses?  We'll debate it with 
Bob Dornan in the D block...

After weeks of accusations that he was ducking controversy, Arnold Schwarzenegger 
seized on one of the state's most bitterly debated issues on Thursday, vowing to fight 
a California law granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. (Reuters) 

The Buzz looks like Mario will do some post Dem debate slicin' & dicin' as 
well...Plus, I'll throw in some Powell sound from his big foreign policy speech at 
George Washington U. today...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC...And no 
we didn't go to that nonsense on the Mall last night...I've already seen Aerosmith 
twice back in '87 anyway....

Hill Braces For Iraq Request...Lawmakers in both parties expressed surprise Thursday 
at the newly disclosed estimates for spending in postwar Iraq and said they will 
demand more details from President Bush, including an exit strategy and a multiyear 
forecast. (The Washington Post) 

The Democratic candidates for president joined together here tonight to attack 
President Bush's handling of Iraq, saying he has unnecessarily put U.S. troops in 
danger and destroyed international alliances, but the Democrats split, sometimes 
bitterly, over global trade, health care and tax cuts. (The Washington Post) 

Democrats hammer Bush on Iraq...Democrats out to replace President Bush welcomed his 
decision to finally seek U.N. help in stabilizing postwar Iraq but argued Thursday 
that his delay has jeopardized U.S. relations. 

As a panel of federal judges prepared to rule Friday on the final challenge to the 
California recall election, Arnold Schwarzenegger said he was unfazed by criticism 
about his command of the issues following his no-show at the rcampaign's first debate. 
(AP) http://www.msnbc.com/news/945950.asp

"The debate was so boring, you could play tapes of it to insomniacs who don't respond 
well to drugs,'' said Todd Harris, a Schwarzenegger spokesman. (The Washington Post) 

Democratic Gov. Gray Davis continued his Unplugged Tour in this solidly Republican 
area by blaming GOP lawmakers for sabotaging the state's colleges and telling actor 
Arnold Schwarzenegger that he needs to take a math lesson about government financing. 
(SF Chronicle) 

Republican gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger cast himself Thursday as the 
"poster child" for immigrants and suggested that Democrats have no right to use 
immigration issues against him in his bid to replace Gov. Gray Davis in the Oct. 7 
recall election. (San Mateo Daily Journal) 

Gunmen open fire at Iraq mosque...Three gunmen sprayed bullets at congregants at the 
end of dawn prayers Friday, wounding three people, the imam at the Sunni mosque in 
northeast Baghdad said. 

U.S. negotiates Iraq resolution...The 15 Security Council nations have widely 
differing reactions to a new U.N. resolution proposed by the United States to attract 
more money and troops for Iraq. 

Government scientific advisers and officials painted a grim picture Thursday of the 
consequences of a terror attack on the nation's power grid, saying that any outage 
that lasted longer than a couple of days would reduce urban centers to chaos and 
collapse the economy. (UPI) http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20030904-070049-7423r


Curry: Lieberman opens anti-Dean offensive...Connecticut senator warns of 'Dean 
Depression' if trade accords must meet U.S. standards  

'The Real Deal' on the first Democratic debate...The Democrats debated tonight for the 
first time in Albuquerque, New Mexico. And all of them seemed to do three things. The 
results oftentimes were humorous. http://www.msnbc.com/news/962284.asp

Katrina's editor's cut: The creation of the Committee for the Republic is yet another 
sign of how mainstream members of the conservative establishment are waking up to 
George W's (mis)leading of the country into ruin.

Selective recall...Are reports that Arnold Schwarzenegger led a swinging sex life in 
the 1970s relevant to his fitness for political office today? Michael Kinsley 
explores. http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/946659.asp

May: Euro-Trashing...C'est le guerre. http://www.nationalreview.com/may/may090503.asp

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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