            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

I know it's Friday and y'all are heading out for the weekend, firing up the grill, 
mixing the blender or otherwise popping a few cold ones but I urge you to include 
Hardball in tonight's plans...

We got Francona, Gergen and Hackworth on the new video of the Saddam's dead sons...

We'll do Sharpton in B on Liberia, the Intelligence controversy and the DNC's new ad 
on it....

In D we're doing Kobe and in the Buzz we've got Katrina, Armey & Fund on the DNC ad, 
Tom Delay playing Hardball on the Middle East and why Fund thinks Arnold's going to 
run for Governor out in the Golden State...Btw, John and Katrina are both Briefing 
subscribers which brings an added value of gravitas and hipness to their game plan...

Fund's Diary: Total Recall--III...His advisers say Arnold Schwarzenegger will run for 
governor. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110003797

Katrina's "editor's cut" http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?pid=847

Now I got a little bone to pick with the folks over at ABC's "The Note" (Their weblog 
knock off of The Briefing and The Hotline)...Here's a shot they took at Chris last 
night on our Gillespie interview...

"Of course, those tracking the run-up to the Gillespie coronation exclusively through 
cable TV will have also seen last night's 'Hardball' confrontation, during which Mr. 
Matthews' Joe Wilson obsession (like his Juanita Broaddrick obsession, but without the 
frission of sexuality and violence) was smacked in the face by a record-clarifying 
incoming chairman."

Mark Halperin, ABC's chief political guy writes this stuff...Now Mark, only the most 
die hard blindly partisan Republican could say that Gillespie "smacked" Chris...Does 
George agree with you on this point? As a matter of fact, once Chris subjected 
Gillespie to further questioning, Gillespie revealed that he didn't know anything 
about Cheney's role in the matter...We found his White House talking points rather 
inferior, actually...I'm happy to send over a copy of the tape if you'd like...As far 
as any "obsession" charge is concerned, we're only obsessed with getting at the truth, 
not flacking for any party, candidate or Administration...Why you chose to bring up 
Juanita Broaddrick who has nothing to do with anything smacks of some ulterior motive 
on your part...

Here's last night's transcript with Gillespie http://www.msnbc.com/news/944080.asp

Dominic Bellone

And a fond farewell to a Washington Institution and loyal Hardball Briefing subscriber 
Lloyd Grove, who's Reliable Source column in the Post's Style section is a "must read" 
for every Washingtonian....He's moving up to the Big Apple to work for The Daily 
News...Hey Lloyd, make sure you re-subscribe when you get your new e-mail...Lloyd's 
last Post posting: Savoring Some Favorite Dishes 

Btw, we're still pushing for Roll Call Scoopster Ed Henry to take over the Reliable 
Source...His CV notes that "In 1998, Mr. Henry secured the only newspaper interview 
with then-President Clinton on the day that the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke."    

Besides The Hardball Briefing, Ed comes with that added benefit of a Howard Mortman 
endorsement which, if it doesn't, ought to count for something in this town...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing in Washington, DC

McCain's slam against Dean on Wednesday night's Hardball gets some play in Greg 
Pierce's column http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/inpolitics.htm 

Fresh from Liberian peace talks, black activist the Rev. Al Sharpton accused the Bush 
administration on Friday of having a double standard in foreign policy "when it deals 
with people of color." (Reuters) 

Jack Kemp, the Republican vice presidential nominee in 1996, emerged Thursday as a 
possible candidate on the Oct. 7 ballot to recall California Democratic Gov. Gray 
Davis. (AP) 

Kobe's accuser 'a danger to herself'...Alleged victim was hospitalized 4 months ago, 
police say (MSNBC) http://msnbc.com/news/943797.asp?0dm=N15VS

U.S. troops, acting on a tip from an informant, have captured at least five people 
thought to be members of Saddam Hussein's personal security detail, a U.S. Army 
general said Friday. 

Bush Navy nominee found dead...New Mexico oilman might have killed himself (AP) 

Former President Bill Clinton's advice that Democrats should quit harping on President 
Bush's disputed statement that Iraq had pursued nuclear material from Africa was 
well-received by many Democrats on Capitol Hill - but not his wife. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20030724-113404-4347r.htm

Dean: Deaths won't curb attacks...The candidate takes aim at Bush's management of the 
Iraq conflict while in Iowa. (Des Moines Register) 

WashPost: Cheney defends U.S. war on Iraq...Vice President Cheney launched a White 
House counterattack Thursday against rising criticism of the administration's handling 
of Iraq. http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/943940.asp

U.S. to send troops to Liberia's coast...Shelling kills 12 or more civilians; over 100 
injured (MSNBC) http://msnbc.com/news/937616.asp?0cv=CA01

Saddam's family moves with ease?...Saddam Hussein and his sons move with ease in Iraq, 
according to an interview with a man claiming to be one of the family's bodyguards. 

Fallen moral crusader William Bennett claims he has won his battle with the one-armed 
bandit and is ready to resume his place as the public voice of family values...The 
author of "The Book of Virtues" - who in May admitted to losing a whopping $8 million 
in a decade playing high-stakes slots - will make his comeback Sunday on CNBC's "Tim 
Russert" show. (NY Daily News) 


Curry: GOP worries grow on job losses...Congressional Republicans propose tax breaks, 
'buy American' rules http://msnbc.com/news/940725.asp?0dm=C22ON

Cheney Wraps His Glutes in the Flag...It's not unpatriotic to wonder why the president 
lied. http://slate.msn.com/id/2086029/

Cliff May: Learning the Hard Way...What we didn't know and when we didn't know it. 

Trial and error...The Justice Department's prosecution of alleged "20th hijacker" 
Zacarias Moussaoui is unraveling, in large part because of the government's own lack 
of faith in the courts. By Dahlia Lithwick.

Kinsley: Humor, Humility, and Rhetorical Courage...American pols could learn a thing 
or two from Tony Blair. http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2085915

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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