            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7, 11 & 2 am Eastern and 4, 8 & 11 pm Pacific

A couple of housekeeping items up front: Chris hosts an "everything you wanted to know 
about the Recall but were afraid to ask" special Sunday night at 10 pm ET...We'll 
repeat it Monday night at 9 pm ET...On election night, Tuesday, Oct. 7th we're 
broadcasting at 7 pm et until the last dog dies http://www.msnbc.com/news/974609.asp

This will be a faced paced, no holds barred, no issue off the table evening where 
ANYTHING can happen...We'll have more news, more facts, more angles, more juice, more 
guests, and more heat than the competition can handle...As a matter of fact folks, if 
you're a novice cable viewer this may not be the night for you...This is strictly 
Varsity cable news viewing...If I EVEN have to tell you to break out the TV trays and 
popcorn you're done in this business...Hang up your cleats and hit the showers..

Now on to tonight...More allegations against Arnold and more political fallout...More 
poll numbers on the President and Iraq and a weapons inspector who's found no 
weapons..What are all the details?, whats it all mean? and who'll be left standing at 
the end of the day?  Only Matthews knows...Btw, what did you think of last night's 
Arnold interview...I thought Chris kinda had a Michael Moore "gonzo journalist" thing 
with the baseball cap, stick mike and a glazed look on his face...

All the big guns are out campaigning in Californina as the days and hours tick away on 
the Recall...Jesse Jackson is out in LA campaigning against it...We'll speak with him 
on why he opposes it...We'll also talk to Joan Blades of Moveon.org which is running 
new anti-Arnold ads that highlight the allegations of sexual harassment...Plus, Jerry 
Brown looks likely as well...

In the Buzz we'll talk to fmr. top deputy to Paul Bremer in Iraq/Fmr. NYC Police 
Commish Bernard Kerik about the Reconstruction effort over there...

Luntz will check in and spin the new NYT/CBS polls...

Mortman's latest: Great dropout lines for the Dems...How straggling candidates can 
spin their departures http://www.msnbc.com/news/974182.asp

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush defends war after WMD report...President focuses on possible evidence of covert 
programs (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.com/news/967844.asp?0si=-

The public's confidence in President Bush(news - web sites)'s ability to deal wisely 
with an international crisis has slid sharply over the past five months, the latest 
New York Times/CBS News Poll has found. And a clear majority are also uneasy about his 
ability to make the right decisions on the nation's economy. 

Search in Iraq Finds No Banned Weapons...Tenet Assails Panel Leaders' Criticism of 
Prewar Data (The Washington Post) 

Sanger Analysis: The preliminary report delivered on Thursday by the chief arms 
inspector in Iraq forces the Bush administration to come face to face with this 
reality: that Saddam Hussein's armory appears to have been stuffed with precursors, 
potential weapons and bluffs, but that nothing found so far backs up administration 
claims that Mr. Hussein posed an imminent threat to the world. 

Enemy Is 'More Lethal,' U.S. General Says..."The enemy has evolved. It is a little bit 
more lethal, little bit more complex, little bit more sophisticated and, in some 
cases, a little bit more tenacious," Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez told reporters at a news 
conference. He added that the evolution of enemy tactics was "about what we expected 
to see over time." (The Washington Post) 

New Schwarzenegger allegation...Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger said late Thursday he had 
no memory of praising Adolf Hitler or sexually harassing women.

What was supposed to be the final victory bus tour in actor Arnold Schwarzenegger's 
run for California governor has turned into a not-so-magical mystery tour dogged by 
skeletons from his past -- allegations that he admired Hitler and groped women. 
(Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=3553607

The opening-day theme of Arnold Schwarzenegger's bus tour, called the "California 
Comeback Express," was supposed to be rolling back the recent hike in the state's car 
tax. (USA Today) 

Kurtz: For the Right, Bad News Day Or Media Bias?...Conservatives See More Than 
Coincidence in Recent Scoops 

Timing of harassment story raises questions But 'Times' editor, others say 
Schwarzenegger allegations reflect on character, couldn't wait (USA Today) 

Balz Analysis: Effect on Calif. race unknown...Allegations against Schwarzenegger are 
a wild card http://www.msnbc.com/news/975282.asp?0dm=N17NN 

Leak investigation likely to expand...The investigation into the leak of a CIA 
operative's name is likely to expand to other Bush administration agencies, including 
the State and Defense departments, U.S. officials said Thursday. 

Sammon: The White House yesterday accused Democrats of politicizing a probe into the 
disclosure of a CIA employee's name and said the investigation was based on 
"unsubstantiated rumors." http://www.washtimes.com/national/20031002-114834-4693r.htm

The CIA officer whose cover was blown by an alleged Bush administration leak and her 
diplomat husband have retained a Washington lawyer to find out who they can sue and 
how much money they can seek. (NY Post) 

Calling leaker to account isn't easy...Only two government employees convicted in over 
50 years (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/975346.asp?0dm=N21GN

Embattled broadcaster Rush Limbaugh said he did not know that Florida prosecutors were 
probing him for allegedly abusing prescription painkillers, as he stayed off the radio 
yesterday and avoided discussing details of the shocking drug claims. (NY Post) 

Democrat Bob Graham is weighing the future of his presidential campaign as he 
struggles with finances and ranks near the bottom in polls. (AP) 


Defending Limbaugh...Rush Limbaugh didn't say Donovan McNabb was a bad quarterback 
because he is black. He said that the media has overrated McNabb because he is black, 
and Limbaugh is right. By Allen Barra.

'Testing time' for Britain's Blair...U.K. prime minister survives party conference 
amid Iraq crisis http://www.msnbc.com/news/975081.asp?0cv=NA01

Ilana: Bush's socialist sympathies http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34905
Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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