Are you running as root?  Did you encounter this with GT.M V4.4-004?

What distribution are you running?  Let me take a shot in the dark.  Are you 
running Fedora Core 3 or Fedora Core 4?  Do you have Security Enhanced Linux 
turned on?  If so, does turning off SE Linux make the problem go away?  If 
turning SE Linux makes the problem go away, then you can either run with SE 
Linux turned off, or you can figure out which SE Linux setting is causing the 
GT.M process to die, and alter the settings accordingly.

If my shot in the dark is a miss, please get answers to the questions.  Thanx 

-- Bhaskar

-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Greg Martinson
Sent:   Mon 6/13/2005 10:19 PM
Subject:        [Hardhats-members] gtm50 configure err-msgs 

Running sh configure displays error messages and doesn't install
*.gld's.  Does anyone know what I'm missing?
%GTM-F-KILLBYSIGSINFO1, GT.M process 23914 has been killed by a signal
11 at address 0x092C57D0 (vaddr 0x092C57D0)
%GTM-F-KILLBYSIGSINFO1, GT.M process 23916 has been killed by a signal
11 at address 0x08D477D0 (vaddr 0x08D477D0)
chmod: failed to get attributes of `/usr/local/gtm50/*.gld': No such
file or directory
Installation completed. Would you like all the temporary files
removed from this directory? (y or n) y



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