Dear all,

I know you been holding your breathe!  waiting to get your hands on the 
sequel... well here it is!  (And if this fits your approval plan, it's on 
the way)

Ehud Netzer's - Hasmoneasn and Herodian Palaces at Jericho /
Final Reports of the 1973 - 1987 Excavations / Volume II

Stratigraphy and Architecture - Ehud Netzer and Rachel laureys-Chachy

The Coins - Ya'akov Meshorer

Israel Exploration Society, Hebrew University, 2004.
Hard cover, full color w/pull out map.  315 pages plus 16 plates.
cat. # 50100,  $76.00

Hope you had a blooming Tu B'shvat - we did!


*in these times of email viruses, please use a clear subject line.  if we 
don't recognize the sender and subject, I won't be able to open the mail. 
sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books, ltd.
POB 26190
Jerusalem, 91261
972-2-643-3580 (tel/fax)

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