There IS an easy method for dealing with those unwanted books, you know...

And at the risk of being overly self-promotional (I suppose it never stopped
me before), let me mention an arrangement we have with a number of ajl
members concerning their weeded books:

After discussing some general parameters about what kind of books we can use
and what kinds of books the librarian has, librarians ship us boxes of
unneeded books, charged to our UPS account.

We then go through the books, make an offer, and send out checks (we are
clear that we can also return the books at our expense). Then, as long as
the money we are paying is making it all worthwhile, the librarian continues
to send us boxes of books as they have time (often a volunteer who can use a
tape dispenser is all that is needed at the library's end).

This requires no list and no outlay of cash at the librarian's end, and
supplies us with needed books and does not require additional travel at our
end. It provides some funds to the library and keeps the (better) books in
circulation and out of the recycling bin, which, emotions aside, can also be
expensive for a library.

Dan Wyman, Books
47 Dartmouth St. Springfield, MA 01109 USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: 413.846.6357 e-fax: 208.567.8926
 >>>  We Find Good Homes For Nice Jewish Books  <<<

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