The Jewish National and University Library, David and Fela Shapell
Family Digitization Project, is pleased to announce the opening to the
public of the Historic Hebrew Newspapers website at:

The aim of this site is to provide open access to images of the major
titles of the early Hebrew press (19th and early 20th century).

These newspapers contain a wealth of primary material on Diaspora and
Land of Israel history of the period. Access to them has, until now,
been limited to a small number of research libraries which held either
the crumbling originals or microfilm copies.

The first stage of the project, now completed, contains:

Halevanon (1863-1886) 770 issues, approx. 7,200 pages.
Hamagid (1856-1903) 2265 issues, approx. 19,500 pages.
Havazelet (1863-1911) 1857 issues, approx. 14,200 pages.

Each newspaper has indexes by common era date, Jewish calendar date
and volume/issue numbers. Partial author and subject access is
provided via an index created by Yad Ben-Zvi and computerized by
the University of Haifa in the 1980's. This index has now been
upgraded by the JNUL to a web version, and enhanced with links to the
fulltext of each article. This index is limited, however, to Eretz
Israel topics in these three newspapers.

The runs of these journals are based primarily on the collection of the
JNUL, with missing issues filled in with the help of other institutions
and private collectors. A few issues are still missing or partial and we
welcome the help of other institutions in filling these gaps (for
a list of missing issues see

An additional three titles are currently being prepared for addition
to the site: Hazefirah, Hazevi and Hameliz.

The site itself is entirely in Hebrew.

Technical information:

Viewing the newspaper pages themselves requires the use of a special
Java TIFF viewer which is downloaded automatically into your browser
the first time you view an image. This software does not remain in
your computer after you leave the site. The first time you access a
newspaper image you will be asked to accept a digital certificate
before the image viewer software, viewONE, is able to be used on your
computer. Your browser must also be set for Java enabled. This viewer
provides enhanced functionality such as the ability to zoom on
the images, adjust brightness and print selected sections.

# Elhanan Adler                                                     #
# Deputy Director for Information Technology                        #
# Jewish National and University Library                            #
# P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel                             #
# Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       #
# Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977 #
# Mobile tel.: 972-66-829657                                        #

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