Dear Friends,

In the area Bible Studies, we must mention, 'Shai le-Sara Japhet,' 
Studies in the Bible and its Exegesis and its Language, edited by 
Moshe Bar Asher, Dalit Rom Shiloni, Emmanuel Tov and Nili Wazana. The 
important work is published by Mossad Bialik, isbn 978-965-342-948-2, 
is super – scholarly and has almost 400 pages of articles in English 
along with more than that (484), in Hebrew. This impressive 
collection includes articles on Biblical language, History and 
historiography, and philosophy from Saul and David, through the 
prophets and even Rashbam (1th Cent.) and Ibn Ezra. Over fifty 
scholars in all fields of Bible study have contributed to this 
monograph. 65847 $35.50

Yad Ben Zvi has published, 'Flavius Josephus, Vita: Introduction, 
Hebrew Translation and Commentary, by Daniel Schwartz. The book 
entitled, "Haye Yosef / Mavo Tirgum Perush,' isbn 978-965-217-273-0, 
includes five appendices on Josephus' other writings, family tree, 
his roman name, Jewess / Woman from Judea and a chronology of Judea 
and Rome, 1st Cent, and indices of People, Places, Subjects and 
Ancient Sources. 65857 $40.50

In the area of Jewish Thought I would like to make some serious 

Beit Morasha of Jerusalem has published, 'BeDarkhei Shalom – studies 
in Jewish Thought, edited by Benjamin Ish-Shalom, presented to Shalom 
Rosenberg. Subjects include, Rambam (Maimonides), R' Emden, R' Samson 
Raphael Hirsch, Emmanuel Levinas, written by a who's who in modern 
Jewish Thought, including, Ahituv, Shmuel Vigoda, Yoel Bin Nun, Moshe 
Halamish, Eliezer Schweid, Riskin, Ravitzky and more. Isbn 
978-965-90788-0-6. 63338 $44.50

On Judaism and post-modernism we have the title, 'Enosh Ke-Hazir,' on 
Man, Body, Soul, Emotion, Wisdom/Sense and Will, by Michael Avraham. 
The book is published by Hoza'at Tam – Sifriyat Bet –El, Kfar Hasidim 
2007.  The work is impressive and scholarly, with footnotes, 
bibliography, index and even an appendix on Yeshayahu Liebowitz and 
free will.   This work is loosely, the third in a quartet of books on 
Jewish Philosophy, the first of which was Shtei Agalot ve-Kadur 
Pore'ah,' and the second, 'Et Asher Yesh No ve-asher Ainenu." This 
book, which stands alone,is an important asset to any library of 
Jewish Studies. 65919 $30.00

I would like to highlight an important, soft cover work that we have 
recently gotten from the Samaritans. 'Markeh Le-Kol Kore,' by 
Benjamin Zedaka has been published by A.B. Institute of Samaritan 
Studies, Holon 2008. The work is a collection of Israelite – 
Samaritan Homelitic commentaries on the Pentateuch.  What is equally 
important is that the book is an important piece of scholarship whith 
implications for Hebrew Language and Bible study and interpretation. 
The particular Samaritan work has parallels to Rabbinic Midrashic 
writing. 65236 $79.00

Reuven Mass has re-issued 'Piyutei Elya Bar Schemaya,' 'the Poems 
of  Elya…" a critical edition, by Prof. Yona David. This is an 
important work of 11th century liturgical Hebrew Poetry, with 
analysis, manuscript comparison, and explanation of words and terms. 
Those who don't have the earlier edition or need a new copy will want 
this, however since it is a 2nd edition we want to be in touch to ask.

Sources and Traditions – a source critical commentary on the Talmud 
Tractate Baba Bathra, 'Mekotot u-Mesorot / Be'urim ba-Talmud… ,' by 
Prof. David Halivny, has been published by Magnes, isbn 
978-965-493-305-6. This is a must have work of scholarship by this 
world recognized giant of Jewish Studies, Professor Emeritus Columbia 
University and currently living in Jerusalem and teaching at Bar Ilan 
University. This latest, seventh in a distinguished series, (although 
by no means a volume VII, rather each volume can stand alone), 
includes textual analysis based on manuscripts and comparisons. 
Naturally, the corrections and additions are analyzed for their 
sources and implications on the substance and terminology of the 
Talmudic disputes. The book has over 15 pages of indices in addition 
to serious footnotes. 65860 $32.00

  We at Jerusalem Books are very pleased with the return of Wendy 
Weiss–Simon as are our clients. We wish you a warm and healthy winter 
and thanks to you all for your interest, support and patronage.

Jeff Spitzer

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books Ltd.
POB 26190
Jerusalem, 91261, Israel
(Tel) 972-2-642-6653/6576
(Fax)  972-2-643-3580

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