Greetings Safranim:

I am going to volunteer at a library in a synagogue - there are no 
library-trained personnel currently and only one person who has been 
volunteering just to keep it open a few hours per week. So far - 
there is software to record catalog data - I don't know what it is 
yet - haven't seen it (it's new - but a lack of help means that not 
much is in the system).  The library is NOT well-publicized amongst 
the membership - it is a nice collection - but needs more materials.

Currently, as I understand, the teachers at the day school operating 
form the building would love to have resources for teaching (which 
are not there yet).

There is not a great deal of funding - but there is a current 
fund-raising effort elsewhere - and one of the heads of the committee 
wants funds to go to the library for new resources. She wants to see 
the library thrive - and have members use it.

I love the idea - but am concerned about spending resources in an 
area that might not get uch use.

What is it like at your synagogues?  We are a fairly large 
congregation - there is another synagogue in town that might also be 
interested - we don't have a huge Jewish community and there is a 
good possibility that the items the community would like to see 
cannot be found elsewhere - although the university has a Jewish 
reading room and has a Jewish Studies program. We also have one of 
the largest Jewish academies (maybe in the country?) right next door.

Soooo - also - what sort of a survey did you do to find out what 
members wanted? What is a good starting place?  What SHOULD a good 
collection include ?

Do you have cooperative arrangements with other synagogues and 
schools in your area? Have any sort of inter-library loan system?




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