Dear Safranim,

I am forwarding the following announcement on behalf of Elaine Chapnick.


Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel, MLIS
Dorot Jewish Division, Room 111
The New York Public Library
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY 10018

Phone: 212-930-0601
Fax: 212- 642-0141


You are cordially invited to a book launch party in celebration of 
the publication of
Keep Your Wives Away From Them: Orthodox Women, Unorthodox Desires
(Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, a division of Random House, 2010 
. Trade Paperback, 192 pages. Price: $16.95. ISBN: 978-1-55643-879-0 

Come celebrate the publication of the book with contributing writers 
who will read from their stories and essays and sign copies of the 
book. Co-sponsored by JQYouth, 
GLYDSA,  and Nehirim,

Monday, May 24, 2010 ~ 7:00 PM
JCC in Manhattan (Amsterdam & West 76th Street). This is a free 
event. Come enjoy the wine, refreshments and music.

The book was edited by Miryam Kabakov, founder of NY Orthodykes 
support group.  It has the stories of 14 women, once or still 
Orthodox, and their journeys in the LBTQ world. The book is about 
reconciling queerness with religion, which has always been an 
enormous challenge. When the religion is Orthodox Judaism, the task 
is even more daunting. Keep Your Wives Away From Them takes on that 
challenge by giving voice to lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jewish 
women who were once silenced–and effectively rendered invisible–by 
their faith. Keep Your Wives Away from Them tells the
story of those who have come out, who are still closeted, living 
double lives, or struggling to maintain an integrated life in 
relationship to traditional Judaism – personal stories that are both 
enlightening and edifying. This anthology explores in depth what 
happens after the struggle, when the real work of building integrated 
lives begins.

You can also follow Keep Your Wives Away From Them on Facebook.


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