Tsiterboym Books announces the publication of The Dybbuk: Text, Subtext, and 
Context, by Fernando Peñalosa. This wide-ranging account of The Dybbuk  begins 
with a summary of the life of S. An-sky, the polemicist, fiction writer, 
ethnographer, activist,  and folklorist, as well as playwright. It discusses 
the development of the play, including an analysis of its main themes, as well 
as a detailed examination of the probable or possible sources drawn on for its 
composition. There is a lengthy discussion and comparison of the four canonical 
versions: the original Russian, the Yiddish, Bialik’s Hebrew translation, and 
the Habima theatre company’s modified Hebrew production. There follows an 
account of the play’s most important productions,  including the many 
adaptations and spinoffs, such as ballet and musical productions, including 
several operas. Appended to the main text is a series of synopses of the play 
itself, related plays and films, as well as a summary of the stenographic 
report of  Mishpat Hadibbuk, the 1926 mock trial of The Dybbuk  in Tel Aviv, 
following much criticism of performances that year in Mandate Palestine. It has 
detailed notes, an extensive bibliography and index.   viii + 270 pp., 
illustrated.  Available at Amazon.com for $19.95.  
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