The Distortion of Knowledge on Wikipedia
Dr. Shira Klein
Dr. Shira Klein will deliver the annual Feinstein Lecture on Wednesday, June 
26, at 12:30 pm.
For the past few years, a group of Wikipedia editors have been spreading 
disinformation on the history of the Holocaust. With no obvious ties to any 
government, they slowly but relentlessly hack away at reason and accuracy, and 
promote a narrative touted by right-wing Polish nationalists. Wikipedia 
articles spin fantastical tales about Jews’ involvement in large-scale crimes 
against Poles, and wildly inflate the scope of Jewish collaboration with the 
Nazis. Editors have tried in vain to change the narrative over the years. How 
do so few editors—half a dozen at most—get away with twisting the truth in the 
world’s most-viewed source of information?
Dr. Shira Klein, Associate Professor and Chair of History at Chapman 
University, works in two areas: Italian Jewish history and the digital 
humanities. Her book Italy’s Jews from Emancipation to Fascism (Cambridge 
University Press) was a finalist for the 2018 National Jewish Book Award, and 
is about to be published in Hebrew. Her co-authored article “Wikipedia’s 
Intentional Distortion of the History of the Holocaust” has surpassed 52,000 
views and attracted newspaper coverage in a dozen countries. It, too, is about 
to be published in Hebrew and Polish. Dr. Klein has received grants from the 
National Endowment for the Humanities, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, 
USC Shoah Foundation, and the Barbieri Endowment.
About the Feinstein Lecture
The Association of Jewish Libraries received a grant from the Foundation for 
Jewish Culture (FJC) given by the Myer and Rosalind Feinstein family to fund an 
annual lecture. Lectures on Judaic bibliography and librarianship were 
delivered at the annual conferences from 1996 to 2010. The FJC is no longer 
active, but it left AJL with monies to continue these lectures. The Feinstein 
Lecture resumed at the 2019 AJL conference and will continue to encourage and 
inspire Judaica librarians at future conferences. 
 > for more information and to register for AJL Conference 2024: Standing 

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