We'll greatly appreciate it if you'll post the following to your member 
For anyone interested in the issues inherent in library instruction at all 
levels: a high-quality, single day conference to be held in May, 2020 in San 
Call for Proposals
California Conference on Library Instruction 2020
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Assessment

In 2020, the California Conference on Library Instruction seeks to explore the 
intersection of information literacy and assessment. At its best, assessment 
provides us with data to make informed decisions. Assessment can be aimed at an 
individual level, across library services, or for institutional learning 
outcomes. However, valid questions have been raised about the value and 
inherent bias of emerging and established assessment methods. For example, 
technological solutions have been playing an increasing role to aid in 
retention efforts and track student success, but these methods raise concerns 
around patron privacy.

The California Conference on Library Instruction invites you to submit a 
proposal for the 2020 program, to be held Friday, May 29, 2020, at the 
University of San Francisco.

Examples of specific questions that proposals could address include:

  *   Can assessment be both engaging and useful? How do you use the results to 
create change? How are you using assessment to inform your instruction or your 
instruction program?

  *   How are you addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in your 
assessment? What critiques of assessment have influenced your approach?

  *   How do you adapt your assessment methods for different students and 
institutional environments?

  *   How do online learning environments and user privacy concerns impact 

These are just a few ideas of what we are hoping to showcase at CCLI 2020. We 
welcome any and all interpretations of the above suggested questions.

Please submit a proposal for one of the following formats: 60-minute 
presentation or panel discussion, 75-minute active learning workshop, or 5-7 
minute lightning talk. We recommend that prospective presenters review our 
evaluation rubric for presentations and workshops at: 
http://bit.ly/ccli2020rubric. Proposals should relate to the conference theme, 
clearly outline the session, and be timely and applicable to librarians. For 
presentations and workshops, please also include 2-3 learning outcomes, as well 
as details on how you plan to incorporate active learning into your session. 
Please submit your CCLI 2020 proposal at: http://bit.ly/ccli2020cfp.

The deadline for submissions is October 22, 2019.  We appreciate your 
consideration and look forward to hearing from you! Please visit 
http://www.cclibinstruction.org/ for additional information. For questions, 
contact CCLI Chair Matthew Collins at 
colli...@usfca.edu<mailto:colli...@usfca.edu> or (415) 422-6923, or CCLI 
Speakers Subcommittee Chair William Cuthbertson at 
wcuthbert...@csuchico.edu<mailto:wcuthbert...@csuchico.edu> or (530) 898-4990.

<http://library.stanford.edu/people/amlevia>Anna M. 

Reference & Instruction 

Green Library 321

557 Escondido Mall

Stanford, CA 94305-6004

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