Hi Everyone!

I updated the educational resources about Sukkot at:

Additions include:

* Torah Tidbits: Issue1534 - Sukkot & Shmini Atzeret 
* HaMizrachi Magazine: Sukkot - Simchat Torah 5784 
* Philo Torah : 4 Minim 
* Philo Torah : Ushpizin 
* Philo Torah : Sukkot Bencher 
* YU Torah Sukkot Insights 

New Sukkot Hebrew Song Pages 

* Patish Masmer - A Hammer, A Nail
* Basukkah Shelanu - In Our Sukkah
* Shlomit Bonah Sukkah - Shlomit is Building a Sukkah
* Sukati Hasukkah - My Sukkah is the Sukkah
* Sisu Vesimchu Besimchat Torah - Rejoice and be Joyous
on Simchat Torah
* Vesamachta Bechagecha - You Shall Rejoice on your Festivals

Sukkah Photo Gallery

Sukkot Videos on YouTube

* What is Sukkot
* Why we as Orthodox Jews
live in a Booth for a Week Every Year
* Sukkot 2023 by Shurack Family Productions
* Sukkot - Sugar Parody
* Building a Sukkah with a Mitzvahland Sukkah kit
* Sukkah decorations made of paper in Sukkot DIY 
* Chabad Camarillo: Sukkot Message
* Everyday Hebrew: Sukkot 
* Rabbi Yaron Reuven: What Is The Most Important Mitzvah of Sukkot?

Sukkot Humor

* Barbie Dream Sukkah
* Shaken Not Stirred
* When Ordering the 4 Minim from Ali Express
* Rules of the Sukkah - Dr. Seuss Style
* 49 Cool Edible Sukkot
* A New York Etrog
* Encamped in Sukkot
* It's Sukkot
* Succot Nights - Grease - Summer Nights Parody
* All Shook Up - Elvis - All Shook Up Parody
* You Know It's Sukkot In Israel Because.....
* Hoshanot

Please share. Thank You!

Chag Sukkot Sameach!
Happy Sukkot!
jrichman @ jr.co.il

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