Dear Haskell-ers,

SoTeSoLa is not a Haskell- or FP-centric event, but Haskell-ers are
very much encouraged to represent their technological space at the
school. In fact, I know for a reason that some Haskell-ers will be
there, but the more the better. I expect that Haskell will play a role
in one of the two hackathons and perhaps in some working group. (For
instance, we are thinking about a working group on the
spreadsheet-centric technological space, where Haskell plays a role as
a modeling language and otherwise.)



The summer school SoTeSoLa 2012 is a highly discussion- and
result-oriented Research 2.0 event on software technologies and
software languages.

SoTeSoLa 2012 takes place in Koblenz 19-23 August 2012.

SoTeSoLa brings together senior and junior researchers and
technologists interested in software science, specifically the
foundations of software technologies and the notion of technological
spaces as linking together software languages, technologies, and
various resources adding up to a technological and community context.
SoTeSoLa also hosts this time the SATToSE 2012 seminar on "Advanced
Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution".

Key topics at the school are these:

- Generic language technology
- Co-evolution of software artifacts
- Multi-language, multi-technology problems
- Research 2.0 applied to software engineering
- Technological spaces: past, present, and future
- eLearning for language engineers & technologists
- Models of knowledge resources for software developers
- Model-driven engineering beyond software development
- Software re/reverse/engineering in the Semantic Web Era

SoTeSoLa aims at exercising a new format for a software
language/technology forum, i.e., a more Research 2.0-based approach so
that much focus is on understanding each others context, integrating
knowledge, automation thereof, and organizing future research and work
of the participants. To this end, regular lectures are de-emphasized,
but a more discussion- and result-oriented format will be exercised.

The event maxes out at 42 participants.

SoTeSoLa 2012 is supported by the ADAPT research focus at the
University of Koblenz-Landau as part of Rhineland Palatinate's
Research Initiative 2008--2013. SoTeSoLa 2012 is also supported by
RainCode. SoTeSoLa is hosted by the Software Languages Team in


- Registration deadline: 4 August 2012
- Hotel reservation deadline: 1 August 2012
- Deadline for SATToSE presentation proposals: 25 July 2012
- Deadline for student grant applications: 25 July 2012
- Deadline for hackathon and working-group proposals: none and ASAP
- Notification for SATToSE presentation proposals: 29 July 2012
- Summer school: 19 August (afternoon) - 23 August 2012 (noon)

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